今日: 41
- 主题:3436
- 排名:30
- 半世流离°女人最让人厌烦的十大恶习 ( +5 )Women are the most complex creatures known, they are sweet, charming, but they have different sense of everything, they ..3 2012-08-09 2332阅读
糖_不苦。十二星座喜欢的约会风格 ( +5 )ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Rams are fiery, impulsive and active, so to please the Aries in your life, try taking them on a ..2 2012-08-07 2615阅读
糖_不苦。送人玫瑰手有余香:为别人做10件美好的事儿 ( +5 )Although it's good to focus on your own happiness, it's always beneficial to spread the joy around. In fact, studies hav ..2 2012-08-07 2327阅读
糖_不苦。中国人说英语为什么听起来没有礼貌? ( +11 )【First】 看题目。这是一个重复贴。看内容,其实还是一个重复贴,不过只限一个部分的重复,还是有后续补充内容的。都是关于口语 ..7 2012-08-05 3423阅读
派派忠实会员走进夜上海上海的夜生活处在一个不令人羡慕的位置上,那就是她不能辜负自己几十年的盛名。 Shanghai's nightlife is in the unen ..0 2012-07-30 1832阅读
xiaoxiao9woA round bag of yogurt ( +5 )2 2012-06-16 2181阅读
jasamine用每周七单词写的小故事(连载中) ( +10 )很久没有专门写英文故事了,不知道读起来是不是还通顺,不管怎么样,还是写出来了,争取每周更新,把故事写下去。欢迎大家指正错 ..18 2012-05-22 4331阅读
heatlleBe HappyRed is for love 红色是情爱 Let you love shine 让她放光彩。 Orange is for hope 橙色是希望 Dream you dream 放飞心中的梦想 ..0 2012-05-07 6367阅读
CF战队火速招人English翻译大师翻译大师 ,翻译大师,希望大家来提问,提问方式例如:英译中:How are you?中译英:你叫什么名字? 回复方式:我新发帖,把帖 ..8 2012-05-06 6353阅读
nc18揭密Titanic——【Ship of Dreams】 ( +5 )有关泰坦尼克号的故事,在BBC Radio 4上听到的(PS.和电影基本没有关联) The tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic shocked ..2 2012-04-21 3284阅读
wingq_p自己寫的一首英文詩:P ( +11 )Darkness and light In a city Houses collapse in a second Bodies buried beneath. A desperate desire to survive Will ther ..4 2012-04-12 3695阅读
七玹自行车链条与帽子少年推着车,默然地在烈日下走着。 车兜已经空了,那些报纸,半个钟点之前就已经送完了。 手掌上还未擦净的污黑的链油,额头上沁 ..3 2012-03-04 5573阅读
wenrongzhang英文也有“微小说”自从有了微博,身边的很多事情都开始微博化了。热爱织围脖的同志们时不时还搞“微小说”创作比赛,看谁的小说写得又短又有深度。 ..4 2012-02-28 5388阅读
toytangtangAbout my housemates ( +23 )i'm live on campus, so the housemates are not decided by me. Living on campus is convinient,safe and you can meet a lot ..4 2012-02-15 3923阅读
猴岛论坛交易员English专业翻译官-English翻译-English【提醒中】English专业翻译官 翻译格式: 1:英译中(英文) 2:中译英(中文) 重中之重:(翻译结果以回复告知!!!)4 2011-11-24 1579阅读
ayumihmskMy Xiamen's trip 2011.10.25-10.30 ( +23 )25-Oct This is my first time here, Xiamen. I learnt from friends that Xiamen is a beautiful city. It has an amazing seas ..9 2011-10-25 1694阅读
ayumihmskI find my weakness ( +5 )I find my weakness. Frankly, I use, write and speak English everyday. This is my job. But I won't say my english is very ..4 2011-10-24 3296阅读
xiaoxiao9woFailure towards successIn one way of thinking,failure is part of life.In another way failure may be a way towards success.The "spider story"is ..5 2011-10-17 1326阅读
you有又见英语好久没有看过英语书了,好像上次看英语还是在上大学的时候,一转眼就过去好长时间了!!还真有点怀念7 2011-10-14 1485阅读
左。微希世界上最贵的十种甜品:看起来很美,吃起来巨贵 ( +10 )世界上最贵的十种甜品 前言: 你有没有想过一口可以吞下十辆奔驰或者是一栋别墅?别急着说NO,NO,NO,只要看看以下的十种世界 ..44 2011-10-14 6219阅读
xiaoxiao9woPlease give us a good sleep...For millions of years before the appearance of the electric light, shift work,all-night cable TV and the Internet,Earth' ..4 2011-10-11 3854阅读
qhcarolineFriendThere is a saying: you can tell about a man by study his friends. I do believe that is true. A person with integrity a ..7 2011-09-25 4014阅读
xiaoxiao9woWhy did the porter say that?Why Lisa didn't understand the porter's speaking English? Lisa arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, ..3 2011-09-17 1348阅读
xiaoxiao9woIf you only have three days,what will you do and think?Three Days to See(Excerpts) All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified t ..2 2011-09-13 2737阅读
xiaoxiao9wopresent or precedent??What is Your Recovery Rate? What is your recovery rate?How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviors ..1 2011-09-12 1192阅读
左。微希英国国旗,英王徽,你知多少?英国国旗,英王徽,不知道大家对此有多少了解? 前几日,帮朋友写了一段关于其的英文小介绍,不妨与大家交流下。 Flag of the ..3 2011-09-09 5575阅读
xiaoxiao9woagree or disagree?Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. Without it, nothing could ever be brought ..2 2011-09-07 1136阅读
左。微希Afternoon Tea vs. High Tea ( +5 )Today I saw a post in which it regards "下午茶" as "high tea". However, I think it should be afternoon tea rather than h ..3 2011-09-02 2042阅读
xiaoxiao9woshort storiesHow To Read Short Stories We like to read short stories because we like to know people.We like to watch them in actio ..0 2011-08-28 1474阅读
peiffoong用英文来学小知识分享 ( +5 )1. Keep hair healthy and gloosy by eating foods like chicken,eggs,oily fish,wholegrains,red fruit and dark green vegetab ..1 2011-08-20 1379阅读