今日: 14
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tliu8215口译中掌握扎实演讲技巧很重要 ( +5 )口译与笔译的最大区别之一,就在于口译工作者绝非“一切尽在不言中”,而是身处“台前”进行工作。虽然文化派翻译理论认为,即使 ..1 2011-06-10 1428阅读
韩式拌饭【转载】献给各种为了出国苦逼的孩纸们(很全啊有木有)(想提高英语水平的也进来么么~方法好多啊啊。。) ( +15 )我一向很闲的啊有木有,然后就把我的分享给总结了一下下。。。我是勤劳的乖宝宝,好学的好孩纸 本着毛主席的精神,跟随党的脚 ..123 2011-05-18 16887阅读
海洋馆没去过锁定 【转载】英语口语从头学(音标、发音技巧、口语练习)【链接无效】一 音标 相信很多英语学习者学习英语的一大瓶颈在此,小时候英语教学水平质量不高,应试教育过分强调笔试成绩都导致我们从小英语 ..16 2011-05-16 5564阅读
海洋馆没去过【转载】让英语水平暴涨的超棒方法!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( +15 )英语飙升的好方法 很久没有深入细致地学英语了,越来越懒惰、钝化了!这个年代无疑还是要把英语学好。今天看到这篇文章感触颇多 ..167 2011-05-16 21379阅读
海洋馆没去过[转载]很有效果——我的English口语学习方法今天晒晒我的英语口语学习法子: 我自认为英语一直是我的强项,且兴趣颇大。 怀揣说一口流利英语的梦想,一直在尽力而为。 下面 ..7 2011-05-16 2182阅读
XHH123155000道题详细讲解的英语语法软件 ( +5 )5000道题详细讲解的英语语法软件 强烈推荐一个很好学语法的东东 --- 《我爱学语法》。内容特别丰富,有230多个语法知识点讲解,5 ..12 2011-05-05 2543阅读
菜菜丶Not Chinglish!!! Have local English fome now on.!A some Chinglish I used to talk with my oral E teachers.But they told me these words would make them feel ridiculous. ..1 2011-05-02 1790阅读
菜菜丶put.com ___A great news wbsite ( +5 )This is my first time to be here. Everyday_C I feel sorry for you !╮(╯▽╰)╭ I practice my oral Ehglish and listen ..4 2011-05-01 2238阅读
海洋馆没去过外语学习五大忌转载 ( +5 )第一,过分讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。语言的运用是一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧会被 ..5 2011-04-27 1462阅读
milanq美国人如何看待中国人学英语 ( +5 )很令人震撼的视频http://img1.cache.netease.com/flvplayer081128/~false~0085_V717QEH16~vimg3.ws.126.net/image/snapshot/2011 ..9 2011-04-25 2237阅读
海洋馆没去过你想成为以英语为工具的高级知识分子吗?11 2011-04-23 2255阅读
海洋馆没去过我毕业后的经历—献给为英语苦恼的人们36 2011-04-20 4563阅读
爱自己决定请版主加精:推荐一款英语音标和自然拼音速成的超好共享软件! ( +5 )一直想自学英语音标和自然拼音发音法,没有找到合适的教材,报班学又太贵。后来在网上搜到《我爱学音标》这个软件,特别好使! ..10 2011-04-20 4105阅读
韩式拌饭推荐一个可以免费下载SAT,托福,雅思,IGCSE历年真题的网站~无毒无公害哦~ ( +5 )34 2011-04-17 12441阅读
H-five中国人说英语为什么听起来没有礼貌? ( +5 )中国人的英语以Chinglish或Chenglish闻名于世;中国人最大的英语发音问题就是没有连读,但这都不是最主要的语言问 ..59 2011-03-19 5297阅读
此微夜【秘】《三三速记英语词汇》资料 ( +5 )7 2011-03-16 2939阅读
cooleuniceWhy Punctuality Matters - and How to Be On TimeDo you often find yourself running late? Perhaps it's been a life-long problem – at college, you were always sloping in ..4 2011-03-08 3101阅读
cooleunice5 Destructive Beliefs Almost Everyone Has (And How to Overcome Them)Have you ever seen a friend or a loved one completely sabotage their success? Of course, we all have. As a friend, we're ..2 2011-03-08 2392阅读
cooleuniceThe 5 Step Process to Complete TV Elimination“But when television is bad, nothing is worse…Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assu ..5 2011-03-08 2101阅读
cooleunice4 Tips to Change Your Life and Create a Personal RevolutionDo you want to change your life but struggle to make it happen? There’s a reason it’s so difficult, and the recent unr ..1 2011-03-03 2333阅读
cooleuniceFive Daily Writing Exercises That Can Improve Your BloggingMaintaining a blog full-time can be a bit stressful, and this stress can sometimes have a restricting effect on your wri ..2 2011-03-03 2636阅读
cooleuniceHow to Delete That Negative Voice in Your BrainEven the most positive, well-adjusted person in the world still falls victim to his or her own negative thoughts now and ..5 2011-02-26 2729阅读
cooleuniceUnleashing Potential: 5 Top Strategies for YouAre you living up to your potential?You were born to do great things. You were intended for more than just an average li ..2 2011-02-23 2494阅读
夏恋天使【转】这样学英语三个月超过你过去学三年 ( +20 )【转载】本文作者三年间从四级勉强及格到高级口译笔试210,口试232。找工作面试时给其口试的老外考官听了一分钟就说你的英语不用 ..116 2011-02-20 14480阅读
翰家小妞四六级如何在听不懂时,照样拿180分以上~ ( +5 )教你如何分析题干选答案本文主要向大家介绍听力短对话的宏观方法,无论四级还是六级,听前的充分预读是必要的,因为只有认真的预 ..48 2011-02-20 5807阅读
chsp口语完美发音的10个诀窍 ( +8 )每个人都知道使用英语是真正改善发音的唯一办法。但是如果你每天不能和英语母语人士交谈的话,那该怎么办呢?别担心!还有很多提 ..29 2011-02-19 3621阅读
cooleuniceHow to Love the Life You Already HaveYou’ve probably heard the old saying “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Perhaps you feel l ..3 2011-02-19 2331阅读
cooleuniceDon't Overthink Life! Think Less and Get HappyBabies have the charisma to melt anybody’s heart instantly; no one escapes the twinkling eyes or the innocent smile. Ju ..3 2011-02-19 3168阅读
cooleuniceOvercome Self Problems: Refusing to ChangeAre you the biggest problem you need to overcome?You want a better life. However, you never seem to be able to overcome ..2 2011-02-19 1419阅读
savelove大一到大四 细细规划英语学习在新东方多年教学之中,遇到过无数相同的问题,也见过很多英语学习很彪悍的人。每 年几十万学员,拔尖的只是那么一些,下面总结 ..4 2011-02-17 1889阅读