爱看武侠小说的人总被峰回路转的剧情吸引,一口气把它看完,像这样非常好看的书,可以说:It´s a real page-turner.(这真是一本引人入胜的书)。如果内容精采得非看不可,可以说:It´s a must-read book,好看得令你爱不释手,则可说:I couldn´t put it down.(我舍不得把它放下来),另外,口气坐下来把它从头看到尾,可以说:I read it cover to cover in one sitting。
Gordon: You´re reading that fast. 戈登: 你看得这么快。 Lisa: Oh yes. It´s a real page-turner. (Turning pages fast) 莉莎: 对,这真是引人入胜的书。(书翻得很快) Gordon: If it´s that good I must get a copy. I love an interesting book. 戈登: 如果这么好看,我一定也要一本,我爱看有趣的书。 Lisa: Don´t bother, I just read it fast because it´s so bad. Anyway, they just made a movie of it. Want to go and see it? 莉莎: 别麻烦了,我看得这么快是因为它很难看。他们刚把它拍成电影,要去看吗? Gordon: Yeah. 戈登:好的。
莉莎拿起一本书来看,觉得乏味,随便翻了翻说:It´s a real page-turner。这当然是反话。 Page-turner是指精采得令你不由自主一页一页翻着看,直到看完为止的书籍,形容词是page-turning,
例如:(1) I never expected the book to be such a page-turner. I could not put it down till I reached the end.(我想不到这本书那么好看。我看到最后一页才舍得放下来)。
(2) The page-turning story of the novel is a tribute to the writer´s imagination.(小说情节引人入胜,足见作者想象力多么丰富)。
像莉莎那样随随便便把书由头到尾翻一遍,英文叫做to page / leaf / thumb through a book,
例如:He paged / leafed through the glossy magazine, looking only at the pictures.(他拿起那本彩色杂志随便翻阅一遍,只看图片)。假如是匆匆看一遍,则多说to flip / flick through a book,例如:He flipped through the book, but did not find what he was looking for.(他匆匆翻阅了那本书一遍,但找不到要找的内容)。
A well-thumbed book就是一本经常翻阅、残旧不堪的书。Thumb是「拇指」,作动词,有「用指头翻书」含义。
说到翻书,有一句成语值得谈谈:to turn over a new leaf。所谓「翻过新的一页」,是指日记簿上的一页,一般有「改过自新」的意思,例如:After coming out of prison, he seems to have turned over a new leaf.(他出狱后,似乎洗心革面了)。
常听女孩子说:「他不是我的那杯茶」,It´s not really my cup of tea.引申为「这是我不喜欢的东西或人物」。或者可以说:I´m not into it. (我对它没兴趣)、That´s not what I like.(那不是我喜欢的)。英国人喜欢喝茶,亦很重视喝茶时间,所以有Tea break / Tea time(喝茶休息时间),Afternoon tea / High tea(下午茶)。而A storm in a teacup. 就是茶杯里的风波,比喻小事一桩。
Marcus: Would you like some coffee ? 马卡斯: 你要来杯些咖啡吗? Rita: No thanks, I don´t like coffee. It´s not really my cup of tea. 莉达: 不用了,谢谢。我不喜欢咖啡,它不是我的那杯茶。 Marcus: Some cocoa? Hot chocolate? Hot water? How about some hot lemon? 马卡斯: 那可可?热巧克力?白开水?还是热柠檬汁呢? Rita: No, no, no and no. None of them are really my cup of tea. 莉达: 不不不不,这些全都不是我喜欢的。 Marcus: Then what is your cup of tea? 马卡斯: 那你到底喜欢甚么? Rita: How about a nice…cup of tea! 莉达: 一杯好茶! Marcus: Garcon, a nice cup of tea for this lady here. 马卡斯: 服务生,拿一杯好茶给这位小姐。 Rita: Thank you. 莉达: 谢谢。
莉达说:Coffee is not really my cup of tea(我不怎么爱喝咖啡)。Somebody´s cup of tea和上一课的to have a chip on one´s shoulder都是成语,这里不妨谈谈。 英国人爱喝茶,a cup of tea俚语称为a cuppa。What I want is a nice cuppa即「我想喝杯好茶」。
不过,西方人喝茶,总不如中国人;唐朝卢仝有诗说喝茶「一碗喉吻润……六碗通仙灵,七碗吃不得也,唯觉两腋习习清风生」。正因为中国茶名闻世界,英文俚语索性把「茶」音译为char,例如:I´d like a cup of char(我想喝杯茶)。Somebody’s cup of tea常引申为「某人喜欢的事物」,多用于否定句,例如:Soccer is not exactly my cup of tea(足球这玩意,我不大喜欢)。
Have a chip on one´s shoulder(肩膀上有一片木屑)又是甚么意思呢?这成语源自十九世纪初的美国。当时一般家庭都要伐木为薪,后院自然不乏木屑。年轻人要打架,往往拾一片木屑放在自己肩上,叫对方有胆就把那片木屑拂去。所以,to have a chip on one´s shoulder是「露出想打架的样子」或「觉得自己受了委屈,愤愤不平」,例如: (1) He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder(他好像随时都准备跟人打架)。 (2) He has a chip on his shoulder because he has not been promoted despite his many years of service(他任职多年,却没有获得升迁,因此愤愤不平)。
古代大家闺秀三步不出家门,现代已经没有这回事,不过仍有些人很恋家,喜欢躲在家里看书听音乐,这种行为英文可说:I´m a homebody.(我是个恋家的人)。这些人留在家里是最开心的,所以也可说:I´m happiest at home.(我在家里最开心)。但有些人却因为患病或有心理障碍导致足不出户,可以这样形容:She´s housebound.(她闭门不出)。如果你想约会某些朋友,但是他们总不愿出门,你也可以这样问道:Are you housebound ?
Husband:Come on , let´s go out today. We´re always stuck at home. 丈夫:来吧,今天一起出门走走,我们太常留在家里了。 Wife:No, I´d rather not. I´m a homebody. You knew that when we met. 妻子:不,我不想去。我是个恋家的人,你认识我时就知道的。 Husband:Yes, but three years without going out is a bit excessive. 丈夫:对,但三年都足不出户有点太过份。 Wife:That´s so not true. I went out just six months ago. 妻子:才不是那样,我六个月前才出去过。 Husband:But then you had to. That´s when we moved in here.You´re not a homebody, you´re a lazy body. 丈夫:但那是你必需要,那次是我们搬来这儿。你不是个恋家的人,而是个懒惰的人。 Wife:Yeah, yeah. The remote… 妻子:是,是,遥控器…
中国有句古话:「在家千日好,出外一时难。」人会恋家并不奇怪。 恋家的人,英文叫homebody。这个字没有贬义,只是说某人喜欢平静的生活,例如:He is a real homebody, and would rather stay at home than travel abroad for his vacation(他十分恋家,放假宁愿留在家里,也不去外国游玩)。
Homebody有一个同义词:stay-at-home。这个字也可作形容词, 例如: (1) I am very much a stay-at-home(我是个很恋家的人)。 (2) I am a man of the stay-at-home type(我是喜欢留在家里的那种人)。
Stay-at-home和homebody都可以用来说男性或女性,但有一个词是专指男人的:family man。这个词强调的不是少出家门,而是喜欢家庭生活,和妻子、儿女在一起,例如:He is a family man, I don´t think he will accept a job that will keep him away from his wife and children for days on end(他很重视家庭生活;假如工作要他连续多天见不到妻子、儿女,我想他是不会接受的)。目前英文还没有family woman这种说法。
恋家的人,一定都会同意以下成语: (1) There is no place like home(没有地方比家更好)。 (2) East or west, home is best(行遍东西方,不如在家好)。(3) Home is home though it be never so homely(无论多么简陋,家还是家)。Homely有「简陋」的意思。
电冰箱叫Refrigerator,简称Fridge,当它坏掉时,可以形容说:The fridge has stopped running.(电冰箱坏掉了)。The fridge is out of order / is not working / is on the blink.也都是电冰箱坏掉的意思。此时你需要找电工帮忙,可以说: I need an electrician / a repairman.(我需要个电工 / 修理工)。
Candice: What´s wrong? You look like you´e seen a ghost. Did someone die? 坎迪斯: 有何不妥? 你看来好像见鬼,有人死了吗? Brian: Not someone, something. The fridge has stopped running. I´m devastated. 布莱恩: 不是某人,是东西。电冰箱坏掉了,我感到震惊。 Candice: Oh no! All that food I prepared for the weekend, it will all be ruined. No wonder you´re upset. 坎迪斯: 噢,不!我为周末准备的所有食物都没了,怪不得你如此沮丧。 Brian: Forget about the food, you can always cook some more. The boys are coming over tonight to watch the game, we can´t serve them warm beer. What are we going to do? 布莱恩: 忘记这些食物吧。你总是可再弄些别的,弟兄们今晚来看球赛,我们不能用暖啤酒招待,现在怎么办呢? Candice: Why don´t you invite your English friends? 坎迪斯: 为何你不邀请你的英国朋友来呢? Brian: Are you trying to be funny? 布莱恩: 你在说笑话吗?
布莱恩见电冰箱坏了,惨然说:The fridge has stopped running。Fridge是refrigerator的简称。西方家庭除了有电冰箱,一般还有freezer,即冰柜。冰柜温度通常比冰箱低,以冷冻食物。When the fridge / freezer broke, all the food went bad即「冰箱 / 冰柜坏了,所有食物也都坏掉了」。
留意break字不一定解作「打破」或「破掉」。机器坏了,也可以叫做break,例如:The camera broke: it was too old(摄影机坏了,因为过于老旧)。此外,你当然还可以说:The fridge is out of action/is out of order / is not working / is on the blink等。
Blink本来是指迅速眨眼、瞇眼而视或灯光等闪烁,例如:(1) The sudden glare made me blink(突然而来的强光,使我瞇起眼睛)。(2) The lights were blinking in the distance(远处灯光闪烁)。蜡烛烧到尽头,烛光会闪烁不定;引伸而言,机器on the blink等于「坏了」,这里不妨再举一例:The washing machine / telephone is on the blink again(洗衣机 / 电话又坏了)。
有时,英文会用U/S或U.S.来说机器,但这不是说「美国制造」,The fridge has gone U.S.也不是说电冰箱送了去美国,而是「电冰箱坏了」。U.S.本是机器维修工人用语,是unserviceable (不能使用)的缩写,现在也用于通俗英语。The fridge is faulty / defective则是说「电冰箱有毛病」。
当我们看到卖相很好的食物,总会垂涎三尺,有很想吃的冲动,可以这样形容:That looks so mouth-watering.(它看起来很好吃的样子),也可说:That looks tempting.(它看来很吸引人)或 That looks delicious.(它看来很美味)。另一个说法是: It makes me drool. (它令我流口水),Drool是「垂涎」的意思,而口水的学名叫Saliva。
Candice:Look at that dish. That looks so mouth-watering. 坎迪斯:看看这道菜,它看起来很好吃的样子。 Katherine:I don´t think so. 凯思莲:我不这么认为。 Candice:Well, what about that one? Or that one? Don´t you want to eat any of these? 坎迪斯:嗯,那么这个怎样,还是那个 ? 难道你所有的东西都不想吃? Katherine:No. Plastic display food has never really done it for me. I want real food. 凯思莲:不,塑料食物永远不能满足我,我要真的食物。
从前曹操行军,见士卒口渴难当,于是谎称前面有默林。士卒想到梅子,就「口水直流」,英文可以说:The thought of plums made their mouths water。
(1) My eyes always water uncontrollably when I peel onions(我剥洋葱皮时,总是忍不住眼泪直流)。 (2) Her mouth is watering for chocolate(她想吃巧克力)。 (3) The aroma of strong coffee made me water at the mouth (浓咖啡的芳香,使我馋涎欲滴)。这「垂涎」的意思,可以引申说渴望得到食物以外的东西,例如:This girlie magazine will make men?s mouths water!(这本艳女杂志,会让男人垂涎三尺)。
另一个说「垂涎」的字是drool,同样可以用于比喻,例如: (1) He is drooling over the sports car on display(展出的那辆跑车,令他涎垂三尺)。 (2) Mouths drooled / We drooled as the dessert was served(饭后甜品端上来的时候,我们都垂涎三尺)。
每個人都想擁有一個寬敞舒適的安樂窩,如果你的房子很寬敞,可以說:My apartment is spacious.(我的房子很寬敞),或者說:It’s very roomy.(它的面積很寬大),此外,也有個可愛的說法:Room to swing a cat.,地方寬敞得可以揮舞貓兒,比喻空間很大的意思。相反,如果你住在狹窄的房子,可以說:My apartment is cramped.(我的房子很狹窄)或My apartment is tiny.(我的房子很微小)。
Gordon: So what do you think of my pad? 戈登: 你認為我的住所如何? Brian: It’s so cramped, how do you live here? 布萊恩: 很狹窄啊,你怎麼可以住在這兒? Gordon: Cramped? My apartment is spacious. 戈登: 狹窄?我的房子很寬敞。 Brian: There’s no way that this place could ever be called spacious. 布萊恩: 這裡沒有理由可以稱得上寬敞。 Gordon: Fine. Don’t take my word for it just ask the two circus midgets I used to share with. Maybe you’re too spacious. 戈登: 好的,別只聽我說,你可問問曾跟我同住的兩個馬戲團侏儒,或許是你個子太大了吧。
戈登問布萊恩:What do you think of my pad?(你認為我的住所如何?)布萊恩說住所太小了,戈登卻不同意:It’s spacious. Just ask the circus midgets(很寬敞了。你問問馬戲團的侏儒吧)。
「侏儒」英文有midget、dwarf、pygmy三個稱呼,但dwarf的身體可能有部份畸形,midget雖是五短身材,身體各部份大小比例卻和常人無異。至於pygmy,原是指非洲、亞洲一些矮小民族的成員,但小寫的pygmy往往用作dwarf或midget的同義詞,這三個字都可作形容詞,例如:Our cat looks like a midget tiger(我們的貓看來像隻小型的老虎)。
說到貓,愛貓人大概不會喜歡一句說地方狹小的成語:no room to swing a cat(連揮舞一隻貓的空間都沒有),例如:There isn’t room to swing a cat in here。據說,從前的人練習射擊,常以貓做靶,叫人抓著貓尾揮舞;假如地方太小,自然揮舞不得。不過,另一解釋似乎較為可信:cat其實是指cat-o’-nine-tails或「九尾鞭」,從前英國當局即用九尾鞭抽打罪犯。No room to swing a cat是說,地方小得連揮鞭的空間都沒有。
最後說pad字。這是「居所」或dwelling的俚語說法。Pad本來是指「床」,後來引伸作「睡覺的地方」或「居所」,正如digs由「掘地藏身」引伸作「居所」一樣,例如:I went back to my pad/digs to turn off the gas(我回家把瓦斯關掉)。
现在大多数父母都外出工作,照顾小孩和打理家务则交由女佣或保母代劳,很容易养成小孩子「饭来张口」的习惯,所以妈妈应该叫小孩子: Could you please tidy up your room?(你可以把自己的房间清理好吗?) 如果孩子的房间很整洁,可赞称说:Your room is neat and tidy.(你的房间很整齐清洁); 如果乱七八糟,可以说:Your room is a pigsty.(你的房间像猪窝一样)。 打扫房间,通常要扫地(Sweep the floor)、 用真空吸尘器清扫地毯(Vacuum the carpet)和 用鸡毛掸子(Duster) 扫走百叶窗的灰尘 (Dust the blinds)。
Rita:I need some help around here. Could you please tidy up your room? 莉达:我这里需要帮忙,你可以打扫自己的房间吗? Marty:It´s ok, there´s no need. 马丁:这还可以,不需要吧。 Rita:What do you mean by “no need” ? Of course there´s a need. 莉达:甚么是你所指的「不需要」?当然有这个需要啊。 Marty:No there´s not. I´ve decided to leave it the way it is and move into the living room. Once that´s a mess, there are another six rooms I can trash. 马丁:没有吧,我已经决定不理它,并搬到客厅去。当那里也变得乱七八糟时,还有六间房让我弄脏。 Rita:Oh yeah? That´s what you think. Hurry up, clean up.Hurry up, get up. 莉达:噢,真的吗?那是你认为。快点清洁,快点起来吧。
莉达叫马丁:Could you please tidy up your room? It´s a mess(你的房间乱极了,请收拾一下好吗?)
叫人收拾房间,英文可以说Please tidy up / clean up / pick up your room。上述三个动词词组(phrasal verb),都有「把地方打扫干净」的意思,例如:She had to tidy up / clean up / pick up after the children´s Christmas party(孩子圣诞聚会之后,她得清理一切)。留意tidy up和clean up,都可用来说个人的整齐或清洁,pick up则不可以,
(1) I quickly tidied (myself) up before attending the interview(我面试前,匆匆整理了一下仪容)。 (2) I´m covered with mud; I‘ve to clean (myself) up(我浑身泥巴,必须去梳洗干净)。
床铺不收拾好,房间怎样都会显得凌乱。收拾床铺,英文叫做to make a/the/one´s bed,例如莉达可以叫马丁:Now make your bed(快把床铺整理好)。英文成语As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it直译是「自己铺的床自己睡」,意思则是「自作自受」。
说事物一团糟,可以用mess一字,The room is a mess和The room is in a mess都是说「房间一团糟」。这个字还可用来说人:I´m (in) a mess即「我的情况糟透了」。你还可以用at sixes and sevens来说「乱七八糟」或「(头脑)混乱」,
(1) The room was at sixes and sevens(房子乱七八糟)。 (2) I was at sixes and sevens, I didn´t know what to do(我一片混乱,不知道怎样做才好)。
从电视上看见问答游戏节目,参加者要限时作答,通常主持人都会在限时快到的时候说:Time is running out.(时间快完了),以提醒参加者作答。当你正在忙碌工作,追赶限期时,时间好像永远不够用、不会停留等你,所以也可说:The clock´s ticking.(时钟滴答滴答的过去)或Time is not on our side.(光阴不留人)。
相反,如果时间充裕,则可以说:We´ve got all the time in the world.(我们有无限的时间)。
Joe: Psst! Pass me your paper. I need you to write down the answers for me. 乔: 嘘!把你的试卷传给我,我要你替我写上答案。 Vivian: Wait! Hold on. I haven´t finished yet. Give me a minute. 维维安: 等等!住手。我还没做完,再给我一点时间吧。 Joe: Hurry it up. Time is running out. 乔: 快点,时间不多了。 Vivian: Ok, I´ve finished. Swap papers. 维维安: 好吧,我写完了,交换试卷。 Teacher: (Teacher catches them cheating) Your time is up. Principal´s office now, out! 老师: (老师当场发现他们作弊) 你们的时间结束了。马上到校长室去,出去!
乔在试场里眼看所剩时间无多,心急如焚说:Time is running out(时间不多了)。 说「时间不多了」,英文有一句成语:The sands are running out,即「沙要漏光了」。这当然是古时沙漏(hourglass)计时的用语,流传至今,例如: (1) Be quick, the sands are running out(快点,时间不多了)。 (2) It seems that the sands are running out for the President: he is unlikely to get re-elected(总统看来时日无多了:他不大可能获选连任)。
有时,这成语会用来比喻生命到了尽头。The old man´s sands of life were quickly running out即「那老人已是危在旦夕」;到他死了,就可以说:His sands had run out。
Run out有「耗尽」的意思,以消耗的东西作主词(subject);run out of则以消耗者作主词,以消耗的东西作受词,例如:Your time is running out/You are running out of time(你时间无多了)。除了时间,其它东西当然也可以run out,例如:Our money has run out/We have run out of money(我们的钱用光了)。
最后不妨谈谈另一句成语:down to the wire。Wire这里不是指铁丝,而是指赛马的终点线。Down to the wire就是「到达终点线」,往往引伸解作「直到最后」,而getting down to the wire就是「所余时间无多了」,例如:
(1) We worked right down to the wire, and finished everything(我们工作到最后一刻,并且把一切都做好了)。 (2) Hurry up, we´re getting down to the wire(快点,我们时间不多了)。
在街上碰见朋友,可以互相寒暄一下,问问对方:What´s new with you?(你近况如何?)其它说法还有:What´s new?(有甚么新消息?)/ What´s up? / How´s it going?(近况如何?)。在公司里,老板亦可能对你说:Bring me up to date.(把最新的消息告诉我)。如果没甚么新消息,可回复:Nothing much.(没甚么)。看见朋友好像有点不对劲,可以殷切地问:What´s wrong with you?(你没事吗?)不过,如用不太客气的语气来问,就会变成有责骂的成分。
David: Hey, I thought I´d find you here. Some things never change. 戴维: 嗨,我就知道会在这找到你,有些事永远不会变。 Adrian: Oh yes they do. You´d be surprised. 阿德里恩: 不对,有些事情会改变,你会感到惊讶的。 David: So anyway, what´s new with you? Would you like a beer? 戴维: 无论如何,你近况如何?要不要喝杯啤酒? Adrian: No I would not! There´s a lot new with me, starting with the fact that I don´t drink anymore and I´m here to tell everyone that drink is evil! Starting with you. (Empties David´s glass) Demons begone! Demons begone!
举个例来说,「你不想见她吗?」或Don´t you want to see her?这个问题,你要说「是,我不想」,英文须说No, I don´t;你要说「不是,我想见她」,英文须说Yes, I do。又譬如说,「他买不起」或He can´t afford it这一句,你同意可以说No, he can´t(是,他买不起),不同意可以说Yes, he can(不对,他买得起)。由于中英说法不同,中国人误用Yes、No两字情况很普遍,必须注意。
Some things never change一语中的some things分为两字,是「一些东西」的意思,和合成一字的something不同。Something是「某物」或「某事」,没有复数形式的somethings。There is something to do是「有一件事要做」,There are some (important) things to do则是「有些(重要)事情要做」,这something和some things切勿混为一谈。
當你來到一個陌生的地方/環境,感到很不自由,有格格不入的感覺,可自我形容為:I feel like a fish out of water.(我感覺自己好像一條離水之魚),即是感到不自在和尷尬的意思。也可用I’m not comfortable.(我感到不舒服),這裡是指心理上的不舒服。其他說法還有:I don’t feel like I belong here.(我覺得自己不屬於這裡)/ I feel awkward.(我感到尷尬難為)。相反的,若你能融入這個場合,可以說:I feel at ease.(我感到輕鬆自在)。
Kate: Are you enjoying the party? 凱伊: 你享受這個派對嗎? Marty: No, not really. I don’t fit in. 馬丁: 不太享受,我不能投入。 Kate: Well that’s not my fault. 凱伊: 嗯,這不是我的錯。 Marty: Oh yes it is. You told me it was a costume party. (He wears a cartoon costume) I feel like a fish out of water. 馬丁: 噢,絕對是。你告訴我這是個化妝派對 (他穿了卡通服裝),我感到格格不入。 Kate: Well you’re drinking like a fish. 凱伊: 嗯,你也喝的像魚一樣多啊。 Marty: How could you? My goodness. 馬丁: 你怎麼可以這樣說? 我的天啊。
馬丁說:I feel like a fish out of water(我自覺像離水之魚)。這成語和「涸轍之鮒」堪稱false friends。
False friend直譯是「假朋友」,用於語言學,是指外文和自己母語看來相似但意思不同的詞語。例如英文a bolt(霹靂)from the blue(=blue sky晴天)看來等於「晴天霹靂」,但「晴天霹靂」令人震驚,a bolt from the blue雖然也多指令人震驚的壞消息,但也可以指意料不到的好事,例如:When our missing son, whom we had given up for dead, suddenly came home, it was a bolt from the blue(我們本來以為失蹤的兒子已經死了,不料他突然回家,有如平地一聲雷)。學習語文,必須小心「假朋友」的陷阱。
「涸轍之鮒」和a fish out of water也不同:「涸轍之鮒」是指困境中急待救助的人,a fish out of water則是指身處陌生或格格不入於某個環境中的人,例如:He came into a large fortune, and moved house, but he felt like a regular fish out of water among the rich neighbors(他繼承了大筆財產,搬了家,但在富裕鄰居之中,感到格格不入)。
A fish out of water和the odd man / one out有點相似。在至少三人之中,假如要挑出一人,可以大家一起擲錢幣:誰的錢幣落下來,無論是正面或反面,只要與別人不同,他就是the odd man out。所以,the odd man out是「與他人不同者」,例如:I was the odd man out: I was not dressed in black(我沒有穿黑色衣服,有種「與眾不同」的不自然感)。