[table=450,#000000,#000000,1][tr][td][align=center][table=300,#ffffff,#000000,2][tr][td][color=#000000][size=3][font=宋体][b] ----欧洲杯小常识普及---[/b][/font][/size][/color][/td][/tr][/table][table=300,#000000,#000000,2][tr][td][align=center][img]http://l.paipaitxt.com/p_w_upload/12/06/11/196_15587666_9d100ef949ce01f.jpg[/img][/align][/td][/tr][/table][table=400,#ffffff,#000000,1][tr][td][align=left][color=#000000][font=宋体][size=2]
关键词:欧洲杯概述 2012欧洲杯16强口号
欧洲杯英文全称european soccer championship,创办于1958年,每4年举行1次。该项赛事开始时称为欧洲国家杯赛,由于参加比赛的是欧洲各国的国家代表队,因此,这项赛事是欧洲最高水平的比赛。
The European Cup English name European soccer championship, founded in 1958, is held every 4 years 1 times.At the start of the tournament known as the European nations cup, because the race is the European national teams, therefore, this event was the highest level of competition in europe.
Because of this event is the world's highest level of football in Europe the highest level of competition, the qualification team qualify difficult as World Cup, and the tournament qualifying team fewer but better, the most competitive race, by the world football enthusiast.
The first is divided into 7 group preliminary contest each group of first finalists.Final by a state to undertake Europe, participating in the final 7 teams and the host team are firstly divided into 2 groups for the tournament, each group of the top 2 for the second stage of the game.The second stage of the game using the elimination system, is composed of 2 teams for the final.
From 1996 onwards, in the final phase of the team from 8 to 16.
In 1996, German football team become the first team to win the 3 European cup.
瑞典:Var där. Känn det. Fånga drömmen。(去现场、去感受、把握梦想。)
俄罗斯:Играй с душой! Борись до конца!(用灵魂踢球,战斗到最后!)
丹麦:Vikinger uden frygt!(维京人无所畏惧!)
爱尔兰:Talk with your feet. Play with your heart。(用脚说话、用心比赛。)
英格兰:One Prize, Two Countries, Three Lions!(一杯、两国、三狮!)
荷兰:Elf leeuwen. Miljoenen fans. Samen zijn we sterk!(十一只狮子、成百万球迷、在一起让我们强大!)
德国:Von Spiel zu Spiel zum großen Ziel!(一场一场,实现大梦想!)
波兰:Razem niemożliwe staje się możliwe。(一起来,把不可能变可能。)
捷克:Vy fandíte, my vítězíme!(你们支持,我们获胜!)
法国:Une nouvelle histoire, un nouveau rêve, un même but!(一个新故事、一个新梦想,一个目标我们同享!)
乌克兰:Українці - наш час настав!(乌克兰人,轮到我们了!)
克罗地亚:Naš ponos je naša snaga!(骄傲是我们的力量!)
葡萄牙:Aqui batem 10 milhões de corações。(一千万颗心同跳动。)
西班牙:Un motivo para vivir, una razón para soñar. ¡Viva España!(活着的希冀、梦想的理由,加油西班牙!)
希腊:Γεννημένοι μαχητές!(天生斗士!)
意大利:Riempiamo l’Europa d’azzurro(让我们把欧洲变蓝。)
[/size][/font][/color][align=right][glow=250,darkgreen,15] [color=#ffffff][b]【By 雪谦】[/b][/color] [/glow][/align]