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  • 卿印(原创词文社)

    9楼 2012-06-27

    其实一年四季都可以吃到粽子,但是只有端午节的时候可以光明正大的吃粽子蘸糖,因为胖>_<……感觉一天吃的都比较清淡啊(~ o ~)……






    [ 此帖被卿印在2012-06-27 18:42重新编辑 ]
  • 微青。(内阁元老)

    8楼 2012-06-25

        During the Dragon-boat Festival.I have to eat the red bean zongzi.It is very delicous.I like it very much.Especially,I have to eat the Costa Rica zongzi.Although it is the first time I have to eat.But it is really delicious!I like it very much!
           Costa Rica's dumplings (Spanish: Tamal) is specially processed with sticky corn flour as the main raw material with chicken, beef, carrots, potatoes, and some also with beef juice, and then use the fresh banana Ye Baocheng flat square.

    Used to make dumplings boiled rice and bean powder, because the proportion of wrong.Snake bean flavor, the red bean put too much, the results of the last dumplings be worn out.Orz

    Another time, because the rope tied dumplings along well.Then casually around a line to the final results, all scattered, dumplings are a form, can only drink rice porridge.

    In JiangXi
    Jianchang Prefecture Baicao afternoon with water bath, in order to prevent the scabies, in Xinchang County, cinnabar realgar wine drink, called "open one's eyes".

    In HuNan
    Youxian dragon boat, the maternal home spend money especially, the poor preparation of chicken wine, bamboo clip paper money, for the Dragon Boat Dragon of praying before the security products.Building House races thought and remove the disaster, to disease.And grass boat crossing, known as the "send a plague".

    In GuangDong
    Conghua County Dragon Boat Festival with burning eyes after washing means, spilled in the road, known as the "send a disaster".Xinxing County Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide.Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil spirit.County Dragon Boat Festival, children flying kites, called "put down".

    In GanSu
    Jingning Dragon Boat pick roses in honey preserved for candy.County Dragon Boat Festival gift newlyweds Xiang Fan, Luo Qi, towel and handkerchief, polecat.Children and invited both for teachers, known as the "enjoy the festival".Zhangxian dragon boat, shepherd's mountain.The plot salary hill, in crow before burning, commonly known as "burning mountain".

    In my hometown---------YiChang
    Families eat zongzi, eat salted egg, drink realgar wine, hanging lock longevity, steamed dumplings, eating boiled garlic, door hanging calamus, mugwort, door bell, wash bath, jugal gods of bluegrass, wash water to children linked Xiangbao, wearing a long life lock, and at their midpoint a brow realgar Polka dot.


    [ 此帖被雪谦在2012-06-26 23:20重新编辑 ]
  • 围观╮(╯_╰)╭(热心会员)

    7楼 2012-06-25

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!
    I am very upset, my shool wants us to learn something and go out experiencing. I do think this is       good for ourselves but they are too over. We have to wait here for them one week! Oh my god!        Other professional have be off for one month! It's Dragon Boat Festival! I want to go home! I hate      them! They never think about ours feelings, they can go home whenever, but we can't! We only         have a holiday!



  • daisy12fe(热心会员)

    6楼 2012-06-24

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!
    My family always make zongzi by ourselves in my home.During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(, chestnuts, pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often added to the glutinous rice. The pudding is then wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.






    [ 此帖被daisy12fe在2012-06-27 16:43重新编辑 ]
  • Outsider`(热心会员)

    5楼 2012-06-23

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!Today I have a good time,because my family have dinner together.We aren't have a long time to meet.My mother made many zongzi.But I don't think that these zongzi she made are delicious.So I have not delicious food to share with you.




    [ 此帖被黍离风在2012-06-24 19:07重新编辑 ]
  • 熊猫呀(派派新人)

    4楼 2012-06-23

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!
    据说这边端午节吃皮蛋和粽子,而且皮蛋就介么吃,我实在吃不下,于是我的端午节在稀饭,粽子,玉米之间超生了╮(╯▽╰)╭ 我想吃枣子粽来着 没买到 很忧桑 我到底有木有写满五十字昂 算一算应该有了吧 版主大人该不会还要数吧 这样昂 可素我瞌睡得不行了现在 果断的应该有了╮(╯▽╰)╭



    [ 此帖被熊猫呀在2012-06-27 22:52重新编辑 ]
  • 上叶汐(热心会员)

    地板 2012-06-23

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!.
    During the Dragon Boat Festival,I have eat the ZongZi finally.It is too delicios.I have to drink"Small taoyuan"chicken soup,Cai-Lin-Ji Restaurant hot-and-dry noodles,blunt-snout bream,Old bean skin to the city and so on All of them I love it very much

    In my hometown---------WuHan
    Bubble leaves to buy rice, preparation of the Dragon Boat Festival
    Drink realgar wine, put sulphur smoke, "the five poisons"
    Driving to the country, have a traditional festival
    Dragon boat race, watch the film,the most of activity
    The Dragon Boat Festival wear Hanfu, new flavor,new fashion
    The Dragon Boat Festival eel game ginseng

    In HanErbin
    There is Dragon Boat Festival to eat tea egg custom.Use be riotous with colour net bag, hanging on the neck of a child, meaning turn calamities into blessings, peace development.Every Dragon Boat Festival, children hang tea eggs, led the way by adults, playfulness, go to see the Dragon Boat race.

    In Yangtze valley
    Drink realgar wine is very popular, in addition to drink realgar wine, and give children painted the realgar, also from the evil of.The day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people take realgar into wine drinking realgar wine, and put on the ear, nose, forehead child, hand, foot, hope so can make the children from birth.Realgar wine is ground into a powder of realgar liquor or wine, usually drink in the Dragon Boat festival.

    A proverb says: "Ching Ming Liu inserted plug AI, the Dragon Boat festival".In the Dragon Boat Festival, each and every family to sweep the yard, with wormwood, calamus is inserted into the lintel, used to drive the miasma.Wormwood aka mugwort, its stem, leaf containing volatile aromatic oil, insect repellent, anthelmintic, air purification.Calamus is aquatic herbs, it leaves narrow, also contain volatile aromatic oil, with a refreshing Tongqiao, Jiangu Xiaozhi, insecticidal sterilization efficacy.

    The Dragon Boat Festival and the custom of eating garlic.Garlic is a natural fungicide, there is a "natural antibiotic" say, is the body's circulatory and nervous system health agent of natural.The Dragon Boat Festival Diet garlic need after high-temperature cooking, remove its spicy, not to stimulate the stomach, nutrients can not be lost, especially for people with weak digestive function of edible.


    [ 此帖被上叶汐在2012-06-25 03:17重新编辑 ]
  • 懒小咩。(派派贵宾)

    板凳 2012-06-23

    I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!



    [ 此帖被懒羊羊~在2012-06-23 13:55重新编辑 ]
  • 云渺青碧楚(热心会员)

    沙发 2012-06-23


       Anyway ,I wish you have a nice Dregon Boat Festival!Today we made some zongzi, the English name also can be called rice dumplings,a traditional Chinese food which is made of glutinous rice with meat or Chinese date in it and is usually wrapped into a pyramid-shaped (or tetrahedral) dumpling in bamboo or reed leaves.
          Certainly , there are all kinds of rice dumplings in different  places. For example , in my hometown , our rice dumplings are made with a wide range of beans such as green beans , red beans,pearnut and so on.We also put some meat which have been preserved for a time. I like the rice dumplings with chestnut very much because they  taste is so  delicious.

    过端午节的传统习俗有赛龙舟、吃粽子、备牲醴等;而在屈原的传说尚未广泛流传前,端午的习俗则因袭对恶日的禁忌,以保健、避疫为主,而保健、避疫,又主要体现在挂艾叶菖蒲、佩香囊避邪,以及洗中药浴、泡饮草药酒和雄黄酒上 。




    [ 此帖被云渺青碧楚在2012-06-27 13:07重新编辑 ]
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