德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》21
《爱情笔记》是一部细腻生动的恋爱过程全记录。 其间,才子德波顿细述一段情缘中的邂逅、迷恋、平凡中的幸福、熟悉后的倦怠、女友移情别恋、挽回无望、自杀、醒悟,以至一段情完全成为过去。他认真思辩自己的感觉,忠实记下与女友交往中的各个细节,特别是心理和哲学层面的思考,文字生动、处处机锋,不仅有极大的阅读乐趣,阅毕更令人回味无穷。
作者简介:阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton),英伦才子型作家,生于1969年,毕业于剑桥大学,现住伦敦。著有小说《爱情笔记》(1993)、《爱上浪漫》(1994)、《亲吻与诉说》(1995)及散文作品《拥抱逝水年华》(1997)、《哲学的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的艺术》(2002)。他的作品已被译成二十几种文字。(以上介绍转自一舟博客)
1,And yet, as though struck dumb by the angel that faced me across the table, I lost all capacity either to think or speak and could only silently draw invisible patterns on the starched white tablecloth and take unnecessary sips of bubbled water from a large glass goblet.
as though:好像,仿佛
pattern:花样,图案,仿造 【常用短语】①holding pattern:等待航线 ②traffic pattern:起落航线
2,My sense of inferiority bred a need to take on a personality that was not my own, a seducing self that would respond to every demand and suggestion made by my exalted companion.
inferiority:自卑,低劣 【常用短语】①inferiority complex:自卑感,自卑情结 ②inferiority of quality:质量低劣
take on:承担,呈现,接受,从事,较量,开始雇用
3,The first course arrived, arranged on plates with the symmetry of a formal French garden.
symmetry:整齐,对称 【常用短语】①bilateral symmetry:两面对称,两侧对称 ②mirror symmetry:镜像对称,镜面对称
4,'It looks too beautiful to touch,' said Chloe (how I knew the feeling), 'I've never eaten grilled scallops like this before.' We began to eat. The only sound was that of cutlery against china.
“太美了,简直不忍心吃它,”克洛艾说(我亦有同感),“我从来没吃过这么好的烤扇贝。” 我们开始用餐,唯一的声响是刀叉碰到瓷餐具的声音。
grilled:烤的,炙过的,有格子的 【常用短语】①char-grilled: 用炭烤的 ②grilled meat:烤肉
5,Silence was damning. A silence with an unattractive person implies they are the boring one. A silence with an attractive one immediately renders it certain you are the tedious party.
render:给予,提供,宣布 【常用短语】①render up:放弃(让与) ②render a bill:开帐单