楼主举例: We are all deceived by that wealthy narcissisticpatent holder who always dressed in formal clothes as the patent agency overlooked the fact that certain shortcomings in human's vision cannot be reprogrammed by genetic mutation.
ID:niddleme New Word(新單詞):constant My Sentence(我的句子): 1.Every holiday there is a constant stream of visitors all day. 2.A studious student get good grades by constant effort. 3.These victims are living in constant fear of earthquake.
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞): My Sentence(我的句子): 1、It moves at a constant speed 2、He has been her constant companion. 3、The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):graceful My Sentence(我的句子): 1、She is a graceful girl. 2、Tim has a graceful manner. 3、Cats are very graceful animals.
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):negligible My Sentence(我的句子): 1、This is a negligible problem. 2、All those differences are negligible. 3、It's a negligible hurt.
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):studious My Sentence(我的句子): 1、Tom was a studious boy. 2、Not all the students are studious. 3、How studious the girl is.
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):annoyance My Sentence(我的句子): 1、Don't worry,this is a minor annoyance. 2、Mother had plenty of ground for annoyance. 3、He shouted his annoyance at me.
ID:笙歌醉 Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):stain My Sentence(我的句子): 1、You've got a tea stain on your pants. 2、It'll stain my shirt in blood 3、I examine a stain on the sofa.
ID:bytc Date(日期):2012.10.7 New Word(新單詞):constant My Sentence(我的句子): 1.The birth rate in this city is almost constant. 2.The speed of light is an important constant. 3.He remained constant till death.
ID:niddleme New Word(新單詞):graceful My Sentence(我的句子): 1.Jack fell in love with the graceful dancer. 2.Sandy was so graceful in her black dress that she attracted everybody's attention. 3.We should be graceful in defeat.
ID:niddleme New Word(新單詞):negligible My Sentence(我的句子): 1.Something negligible can be disregarded. 2.The damage to the truck is negligible. 3.The importance of dental protection is not negligible.
ID:niddleme New Word(新單詞):studious My Sentence(我的句子): 1.The bookworm is a quiet and studious freak. 2.I wish I have a studious heart. 3.Teachers usually like studious students.
ID:莫默90 New Word(新单词):negligibly My Sentence(我的句子):It's too negligibly,as you cooking for family. The dust can be ignored,is negligibly small. After so long,this technology improve negligibly,that's is difficult.
ID:猫猫拳 New Word(新单词):graceful My Sentence(我的句子): The public like the graceful ladies more than the Non-mainstream ones. Her graceful demeanor made her popular.