It's Riddle Time ๑乛◡乛๑ 最近亲们辣么努力的在做试卷,我们就缓一缓→_→,来个不一样的活动~ 【活动内容】楼主会用英文描述10个动物,亲们快来猜猜是什么动物 Description 1、It has beautiful colorful wings. Normally, you see it in spring/summer because there are a lot of flowers. 【Tips: B_______y, 9 letters】 2、King of the animals, it has a lot of hair around the head 【Tips: L___n, 4 letters】 3、It was the one who led Eve to eat the apple in the Eden created by God 【Tips: S___e, 5 letters】 4、We all know that it loves to eat carrots 【Tips: R____t, 6 letters】 5、A small type of dog that looks so similar to a big rat without fur 【Tips: C______a, 9 letters】 6、It is a type of spider that eats her own partner 【Tips: B___k W_____w, 5+5=10 letters】 7、It's a very large aquatic reptile, it has a big mouth and it opens like a "<" 【Tips: C______e, 9 letters】 8、It's very big and has a very very long nose and big ears 【Tips: E______t, 8 letters】 9、It is white and big, it lives in very cold places such as the North Pole 【Tips: P____r B__r, 5+4=9 letters】 10、It's very slow and in a story it competes with a cottontail. 【Tips: T______e, 8 letters】 【活动时间】 看标题→_→ 【活动奖励】 每对一个奖励5PB,全对额外奖励20PB+10WW。 参与奖励一骑士勋章积分,全对则奖励两积分。 【注意事项】回复记得加密,没有加密一律没有奖励,严禁二次编辑 |