成绩单 transcript/ report card/School Report/Scores
学费 expense/ tuition fee
最喜欢的 favorite
科目 subject/course
学校宿舍 dormitory
校园 campus
课外活动 extracurricular activity
寄宿学校 boarding school
走读学校 day school
男女合校 CO-ED school
地理位置 location n. /locate v.
公立/私立 public/private
大学预备课程 college preparatory courses
学分 credit
专业 major/specialization
毕业 graduate v. / graduation n.
项目 program
学士学位(本科)Bachelor Degree
硕士学位(研究生)Master Degree
博士学位 Doctor/Ph.D.
在读证明 schooling certificate/attendance certificate/studying certificate
毕业证书 graduation certificate/diploma
营业执照 business license
年/月收入 annual/monthly income
工作收入证明 working certificate/employment certificate/Income Certificate
银行帐单 banking list
银行帐户 Bank Account
股票交割清单 stock transaction list
上市公司 listed company
股东 shareholder
法人 Legal Representative
验资报告 Capital Verification Report
供销/销售合同 Purchasing/SalesContract
股份证明 certificate of share in the company (e.g. has a 50 percent holding in the company)
户口本 registered Household/HUKOU
房产证 family property/Certificate Of House
存款证明 bank statement/Certificate of Deposit
存单 deposit slip
存折 bankbook/saving book
固定资产 capital asserts
存款帐户 saving account
投资帐户 investment Accounts
完税证明 taxation record
个人所得税单 personal tax payment
股权 equities
债券 bonds
基金 funds
股票 stock
理财金 financial product
资产 property
保险 insurance
租金 rental Income
退休帐户 retirement Accounts
退休金 Pension
荣誉证书 certificate of honor
活期/定期 open account/ fixed account
存款证明 bank statement /certificate of deposit/CD account
购房合同 contact for buying the house
股票清单 stock list
成绩单 transcript/ report card/School Report/Scores
学费 expense/ tuition fee
最喜欢的 favorite
科目 subject/course
学校宿舍 dormitory
校园 campus
课外活动 extracurricular activity
寄宿学校 boarding school
走读学校 day school
男女合校 CO-ED school
地理位置 location n. /locate v.
公立/私立 public/private
大学预备课程 college preparatory courses
学分 credit
专业 major/specialization
毕业 graduate v. / graduation n.
项目 program
学士学位(本科)Bachelor Degree
硕士学位(研究生)Master Degree
博士学位 Doctor/Ph.D.
在读证明 schooling certificate/attendance certificate/studying certificate
毕业证书 graduation certificate/diploma
营业执照 business license
年/月收入 annual/monthly income
工作收入证明 working certificate/employment certificate/Income Certificate
银行帐单 banking list
银行帐户 Bank Account
股票交割清单 stock transaction list
上市公司 listed company
股东 shareholder
法人 Legal Representative
验资报告 Capital Verification Report
供销/销售合同 Purchasing/SalesContract
股份证明 certificate of share in the company (e.g. has a 50 percent holding in the company)
户口本 registered Household/HUKOU
房产证 family property/Certificate Of House
存款证明 bank statement/Certificate of Deposit
存单 deposit slip
存折 bankbook/saving book
固定资产 capital asserts
存款帐户 saving account
投资帐户 investment Accounts
完税证明 taxation record
个人所得税单 personal tax payment
股权 equities
债券 bonds
基金 funds
股票 stock
理财金 financial product
资产 property
保险 insurance
租金 rental Income
退休帐户 retirement Accounts
退休金 Pension
荣誉证书 certificate of honor
活期/定期 open account/ fixed account
存款证明 bank statement /certificate of deposit/CD account
购房合同 contact for buying the house
股票清单 stock list