今日: 26
- 主题:3436
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派派忠实会员笑话:罗浮宫着火,先救哪幅画?A newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: "If a fire broke out in the Louvre, and if you co ..0 2012-07-22 1847阅读
派派忠实会员双语:女人们18个“不能说的秘密”1.Women especially love a bargain. 女人特别喜欢便宜货。 2.Women love to shop. It is the only area of the world w ..1 2012-07-13 2518阅读
雪谦26个字母,26句关于爱情的真谛 ( +3 )4 2012-07-08 3038阅读
揽碧一封员工要求加薪的英文信以及老板的回信(JOKE) ( +5 )P.S. It's my first time to post a topic in English Corner and I have found that it requires to write at least 30 words ..9 2012-05-25 4818阅读
沐尐绒帅气的“微表情”【形式参考<lie to me>内容瞎编的】 ( +10 )A:OK,you can still keep silence.Anyway,I don't have much faith in words myself. B:…… A:You always say that you lik ..3 2012-02-03 4576阅读
Vanilla_QianThe Italian Man in Maltahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMm8VbQGOm4 中文版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD6W_92iaeI 挺郁闷的 youtube的分享 ..4 2012-01-15 2857阅读
xiaoxiao9woBless Card Merry Christmas ( +5 )又到了寄出明信片的时候啦~不知道在明信片上写什么?来这里看看就知道咯,不仅多而全,而且很地道哦. 1、More friendship-and ..5 2011-12-20 3648阅读
xiaoxiao9wo中式英语搞笑点...1.u ask me,i ask who? 你问我,我问谁? 2.if you no three no four,i will give you color see see 如果你 ..4 2011-11-27 2705阅读
xiaoxiao9woJOKESJOKES "If you had two sticks, what would you do make a fire?" "Rub them together,I suppose." "It's musch easier if one o ..1 2011-10-09 1888阅读
xiaoxiao9woJOKES" I had a funny dream last night,Mum." "Did you?" "I dreamed I was awake, but when I woke up I found I was asleep!" Te ..2 2011-09-15 1931阅读
左。微希【转】令人捧腹的英文地名人名翻译15 2011-09-07 5313阅读
Yvonneisme十二星座为什么睡不着?-有趣的解释在床上翻来覆去、辗转反侧,就是睡不着,这种失眠滋味相信不少人都尝过。影响睡眠质量的因素有很多,如压力过大,不规律的作息时 ..1 2011-08-30 1806阅读
xiaoxiao9wo"PEARL EYESIGHT- PROMOTION" EYE DROPS"PEARL EYESIGHT- PROMOTION" EYE DROPS Instructions for use This Pruductis made of fine-quality pearls (hydrolyzed th ..0 2011-08-28 1838阅读
zkn2011当名画变成3d,你能看到更多 英文版http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTg2Mjg5Mzcy/v.swf 很容易听懂,而且很有意思,好多名画都被调侃了,立体了。错过了真 ..8 2011-08-20 1945阅读
mercurychanPalindromePalindrome is a word, a phrase or a sentence when you read from bottom to top or from top to bottom are exactly the same ..2 2011-08-15 2856阅读
mercurychanThe meaning of flowers!!!Flowers have secret language. ACACIA - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love AGAPANTHIS - Secret Love AMB ..9 2011-08-14 3221阅读
淋漓尽致。十个最“中国”的外来词 ( +8 )7 2011-08-10 1949阅读
herseya女生的英文名~ ( +5 )A ASFLSI 是一个犹太人名,意思是聪明博学伟大的大女人。 ABIGALE 原为古希伯来名,意思是"最初的欢乐"或"欢乐之本"。在 ..8 2011-08-07 2560阅读
NattierYuThis boy needs a good spanking! ( +5 )A boss wondered why one of his most valued employees had called in sick one day.Having an urgent problem with one of the ..3 2011-08-07 5197阅读
閖洛"THE BIG BANG THEROY" 生活大爆炸/天才也性感 ( +5 )美剧剧本第二弹(小可在派派上的第二发主题帖~) BIG BANG 绝对是继FRIENDS之后我最爱的美剧之一,从第一季追到现在不可谓不辛苦 ..11 2011-08-01 10802阅读
海洋馆没去过“非2”小诗英文版2 2011-06-19 1684阅读
fengyaho2011年四级过后的经典状态1·听力考试中,唯一听懂的一句话就是:下面请监考老师将磁带翻到B面。 2·四级试卷跟六级试卷绝对弄混了… 3·距离四级考试还有 ..0 2011-06-19 1422阅读
岳辞Let's play a game. stories Translate ( +5 )When I was in High school, one of my midterm had included an excerpt from the memoir Living to Tell the Tale. Because of ..4 2011-06-15 2377阅读
日照心台上那些你不知道的英语单词小秘密※ The shortest complete sentence in the English language consists of only one word and that is “Go”.英语里由一个单词 ..7 2011-05-15 2554阅读
日照心台上“再也不相信爱情了”最强翻译版! ( +5 )近日,“我再也不相信爱情了”这个句式在网上广为流传,谁和谁分手了,谁和谁没有在一起,谁死了谁还活着,听到这样的消息,我们 ..7 2011-05-15 1959阅读
淋漓尽致。母亲节的起源 History of Mother′s Day ( +10 )History of Mother′s Day In the U.S. Mothers' Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May. It is a day when ch ..3 2011-05-07 2619阅读
ann安安俩则很有味道的幽默 ( +5 )Adopt Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were disdussing a picture of a family. One little boy i ..2 2011-04-16 1740阅读
mingyena谷歌的最新技术!gmail motion!!!!愚人节快乐撒!俺真的信了,然后就点下载鸟,然后……哎 尤其是那个寄信的动作,俺觉得太有爱了 http://www.tudou.com/v/0_QI9VvmIUw/v.swf1 2011-04-02 2075阅读
wisdom2Party知多少?Party知多少? Birthday party(生日PARTY):其中16,18,21岁最为重要。 Bachelor/bachelorette party(单身汉/单身女郎PARTY): ..4 2011-03-31 1873阅读
wisdom2英语求婚的n种表达 ( +5 )窈窕淑女,君子好逑,爱情的升华便是婚姻,都想和心爱的他/她牵手走进教堂,执子之手,与子偕老,在这之前免不了一番浪漫的求婚 ..6 2011-03-29 2189阅读