今日: 3
- 主题:3436
- 排名:34
77恋兰双语:如何在恐慌中维持平静~! ( +5 )It's going to be a chaotic day. 将会是混乱的一天。 How do I know? It's Monday. 你怎么知道?因为是周一。 ..1 2014-06-15 1396阅读
77恋兰只要有钱就能被写入《冰与火之歌》Is your dream to meet a horrible end in an "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel? If you have $20,000 to donate to a good cause ..1 2014-06-15 1832阅读
かすサトシ《银椅》作者:(英) 路易斯 著【中英对照】(完) ( +16 )8 2014-06-12 3961阅读
かすサトシ《凯斯宾王子》作者:(英) 路易斯 著【中英对照】(完) ( +20 )8 2014-06-12 4409阅读
、醉眠世界杯来了——盘点巴西八大特色美食 ( +7 )8 popular Brazilian dishes When visiting Brazil for the World Cup, soccer fans will be able to seize the chance to try ..2 2014-06-12 2508阅读
77恋兰你准备好做房奴了么?买房前,你必须知道的5件事!~! ( +5 )Buying a house is an exciting but scary step. Home ownership means making an investment in your future, but it also mean ..0 2014-05-31 1634阅读
77恋兰研究:印有字母T的白短T让男人更有吸引力?~! ( +4 )英国一项最新研究显示,前面印有黑色字母T的普通白色短袖T恤能让男人的吸引力指数提升12%。研究人员表示,印在前面的字母T能造成 ..0 2014-05-31 1230阅读
77恋兰致恋爱中的姑娘们:爱他,就请支持他!~! ( +5 )There are many ways to say to your boyfriend “I love you and I am here for you” but there is a difference between sayi ..0 2014-05-31 1597阅读
77恋兰你是idle car owner捧车族吗?~! ( +3 )Idle car owners are the car owners who rarely get behind the wheel of their vehicles because of rising petrol, insurance ..0 2014-05-19 1012阅读
77恋兰正确穿衣法 dress correctness~! ( +3 )在女士时装越发多样化的今天,就算有一屋子的衣服,你可能还是不知道每天上班到底要穿啥。不过,对于那些在事业上很有追求的女性 ..5 2014-05-19 1813阅读
77恋兰2014年6月英语六级写作备考必备短语汇总词汇是英语六级备考的基础,在英语六级写作中,掌握一些必备短语是非常必要的,下面是为大家整理的2014年6月英语六级写作备 ..3 2014-05-19 1960阅读
77恋兰职场规划中必须避开的九大常见误区 ( +3 )What I am going to discuss in this article is taking a macro look at some of the myths that many careerist might believe ..0 2014-05-18 1234阅读
77恋兰简历写作技巧:如何解释职业空窗期 ( +3 )Here are three tips for explaining an employment gap:下面为大家介绍3个小妙招,教你如何解释职业空窗期。 1. Be honest and ..0 2014-05-18 1059阅读
77恋兰2014年英语六级备考攻略2014年英语六级作文备考攻略 六级考试的战鼓已经敲响了,同学们已经正式进入备考阶段。那么如何应对令很多同学困扰的作 ..0 2014-05-16 2256阅读
77恋兰李旭老师讲解六级听力跟不上的原因 ( +3 )很多学生都反映六级听力跟不上,语速太快。确实六级听力最快时可达到每分钟180个单词。这样的语速确实有些难度。但是李旭老 ..6 2014-05-16 1883阅读
77恋兰信任的秘密:如何在职场上赢得信任 ( +3 )In today′s article I′d like to share with you my thoughts and what I consider being the most important principles to b ..0 2014-05-16 1540阅读
77恋兰30岁之前你应该在职场经历的15件事 ( +4 )Oliver Sacks, a neurology professor at NYU, shares the truth about life as an octogenarian in a piece for The New York T ..1 2014-05-15 1590阅读
77恋兰评论 正能量集锦:5种想法让自信魅力四射 ( +5 )No one doubts the value of confidence. In fact, research shows people often prefer confidence over actual expertise. 自 ..0 2014-05-15 1340阅读
77恋兰你患上“年关焦虑症”了吗?怎么办?~! ( +3 )Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, ..0 2014-05-15 1167阅读
77恋兰拉丁女神 Shakira 新单曲《Dare (La La La)》 ( +5 )拉丁女神 Shakira 新单曲《Dare (La La La)》性感炸弹突袭!作为本届巴西世界杯官方歌曲,狼姐肩负着点燃众人荷尔蒙的重任,她自 ..0 2014-05-13 1275阅读
77恋兰Courtney Love 最新单曲《You Know My Name》 ( +3 )涅磐乐队主唱 Kurt Cobain 遗孀 Courtney Love 最新单曲《You Know My Name》!柯本带走了她的爱,庆幸没有带走后人的音符。时间 ..2 2014-05-13 1238阅读
77恋兰2013年12月英语六级真题及答案2013年12月英语六级真题及答案(丝绸之路篇) Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听 ..2 2014-05-13 3231阅读
77恋兰教你如何巧妙地向老板抱怨同事 ( +5 )Here are five steps to complaining about a co-worker that will help you get the results you want – without looking like ..0 2014-05-08 1388阅读
77恋兰拒绝拖延:7个习惯成为准时达人 ( +5 )Arriving late to interviews, meetings, and appointments is not only rude, but can also negatively impact your career and ..11 2014-05-08 2233阅读
77恋兰2014年度职业排行榜:十大热门工作抢先看1 2014-05-08 1227阅读
77恋兰2014年6月英语六级考试高分真经2 2014-05-02 1828阅读
77恋兰成功人士在午餐时间会做的10件事 ( +4 )Your lunch hour is your chance to get refocused, reenergized, and refueled for the rest of your day. Successful people t ..0 2014-05-02 1387阅读
77恋兰大学英语六级翻译注意事项英语翻译一直追求“信”“达”“雅”,“信”和“达”是基础,“雅”是一种延伸。而在六级考试中,同学们只要做到“信”和“ ..0 2014-05-02 1741阅读
77恋兰求职必知:电话面试制胜七招 ( +4 )You have probably replied to many job postings without hearing anything back. Then, you finally get a call that begins l ..11 2014-05-01 2023阅读
77恋兰六招助你查出面试后无offer的原因 ( +3 )If you’re getting plenty of job interviews without any job offers, it’s time to think about what could be going wrong. ..6 2014-05-01 1906阅读