今日: 42
- 主题:3436
- 排名:30
天笑的爱7个迹象告诉你,你是时候跳槽了 ( +4 )When it comes to their jobs, more Americans these days are quitters — which can be a good thing. The Wall Street Journa ..0 2014-02-28 1098阅读
77恋兰职场拒绝清单:混职场不能做这8件事 ( +5 )If you get decent value from making to-do lists, you'll get huge returns — in productivity, in improved relationships, ..1 2014-02-28 1446阅读
77恋兰讨厌工作?10招重新爱上你的工作 ( +5 )If you’re that person who has never had a less-than-ideal job, then I salute you for being the luckiest person on earth ..1 2014-02-28 1324阅读
77恋兰面试官5分钟看透你:奇葩事就别做了 ( +5 )0 2014-02-28 1141阅读
77恋兰普京否认窃取超级杯戒指~! ( +5 )0 2014-02-27 1002阅读
77恋兰英国逾40万人不交电视费 理由五花八门~! ( +3 )A homeowner said they did not think they had to pay their TV license fee because they claimed their pet was related to o ..0 2014-02-27 741阅读
77恋兰巴西酒吧推出“离线酒杯” 用手机当杯垫~! ( +4 )It is a uniquely modern complaint; Going to a bar with friends, only to find they spend the entire time playing with the ..0 2014-02-27 1024阅读
77恋兰爱喝红茶吗?关于红茶你可能不知道的11大益处~! ( +5 )Have you ever heard people criticizing your choices in having caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee? Though over-indulg ..0 2014-02-26 1084阅读
77恋兰三亚游客强抱搁浅海豚合影 终因失血过多死亡~! ( +4 )0 2014-02-26 979阅读
77恋兰浪漫其实并不难:如何做一个浪漫的人?~! ( +5 )。|。|。。|。|。 All our technological advancements have been achieved by nerds, so we have a ways to go before robots ..0 2014-02-26 1205阅读
77恋兰睡个好觉真的很重要:如何提高睡眠质量~! ( +5 )。|。|。睡个好觉真的很重要:。|。|。 Sleep is essential if you want to live a healthy and happy life. But what happens ..1 2014-02-25 1346阅读
77恋兰悲催的英国大学生:因为长得太丑失去了工作!~! ( +4 )。|。|。悲催的英国大学生:!。|。|。 Psychology student Ben Cronin, 20, alleges that he was shocked when staff told him ..0 2014-02-25 983阅读
77恋兰66岁老汉香港就医才知自己是女人 手术后继续做男人~! ( +4 )0 2014-02-25 947阅读
77恋兰公路救赎: 拥堵让中国人[重拾自行车]~!For decades under communism, owning a private car was an impossible dream in China. Now that the dream has come true for ..0 2014-02-21 1032阅读
77恋兰改变自己才最重要:10种简单方法[建立自信]~! ( +5 )We live in a world where criticizing people and focusing on negative attributes seems to be the social norm. 我们生活在 ..1 2014-02-21 1344阅读
77恋兰你是乐迷吗?6种方式音乐让生活更美好 ( +3 )Whether you favor Beethoven or Slayer, there is one thing I think we can all agree on: music makes life better. But here ..0 2014-02-21 1160阅读
77恋兰新西兰惊现11岁少年父亲 与同学36岁母亲产子~!0 2014-02-19 1058阅读
77恋兰细节改变生活:8种特别的方式让生活更美好~! ( +3 )New scientific research offers surprising ways to shower yourself with tranquility, creativity, longevity and more. 新的 ..0 2014-02-19 1097阅读
77恋兰等待的时间很难熬?等人时你可以做的7件事~! ( +5 )Life is filled with more instances of waiting than actually doing what we were waiting for. We all have gone through the ..1 2014-02-19 1273阅读
Donut holeBack to school ( +10 )Because of only four and a half hours in the afternoon, my mood became heavy. How to describe my mood correctly, accompa ..1 2014-02-17 1415阅读
77恋兰溺爱害了谁:父母正过分溺爱着孩子~!Parents are smothering their children, leaving them unable to cope by themselves as they grow up, the prime minister's a ..0 2014-02-16 909阅读
77恋兰职场生存术:职场中永远不要说的13句话~! ( +3 )In speaking with hundreds of executives and senior leaders over the past twenty years, certain phrases consistently come ..0 2014-02-16 1268阅读
77恋兰流言终结者验证《泰坦尼克号》杰克之死:他是笨死的!~!2 2014-02-16 1740阅读
77恋兰《权力的游戏》第4季狼家珊莎逆袭 ( +3 )Naive and timid, Sansa spent three seasons as the pawn in other people's games. But when Wetpaint Entertainment caught u ..1 2014-02-15 1045阅读
77恋兰你不知道《行尸走肉》弩哥的25件事0 2014-02-15 1254阅读
77恋兰《吸血鬼日记》芭比C和Tyler没戏了Caroline and Tyler’s relationship is the talk of the town lately, as is her “moment in the woods” with Klaus. 在Caro ..0 2014-02-15 1206阅读
saiko13Tired but happiness ( +15 )I finally accomplished my final presentation of today's course of this semester, which took me 2 hours to make the ppt. ..2 2013-05-05 1911阅读
sunney1搞笑英语翻译干炒童子鸡: Fuck take chicken without sexual life 夫妻的肺片:Man and wife lung slice 干锅鱼头:Fuck pan with a fat fi ..1 2013-02-07 1997阅读
昭昭木暮2158道中国菜有了官方英文译法 遵循意译为主的7项翻译规则四喜丸子被译成Four glad meat balls(四个高兴的肉团),木须肉被翻成Wood mustache meat(木头胡子肉),醉蟹成了Drunk crab(喝高 ..1 2012-09-17 1791阅读
逸清远心花盛开:紧握幸福的9个方法 ( +5 )心花盛开:紧握幸福的9个方法 1. Gratitude, G ..0 2012-09-16 1716阅读