In the interview on ' Piers Morgan Tonight', which aired Monday night, talk show queen Oprah Winfrey revealed she contemplated suicide at age 14 when she discovered she was pregnant.
Winfrey recalled how her mother sent her to live with her father in Nashville, and he didn't know she was pregnant, "My father ... said to me as I'm standing in the kitchen listening to him, 'These are the rules of the house, you're going to obey the rules, you have a 10 o'clock curfew, and I would rather see a daughter of mine floating down the Cumberland River ... than to bring shame on this family and the indecency of an illegitimate child.'"
She continued, "But this is my 14-year-old self. You're having a baby out of wedlock, your life is over. So when the baby died -- the baby was never brought home from the hospital -- when the baby died, I knew that it was my second chance."
Winfrey described how she went back to school without anybody knowing the ordeal she had been through. But once she was back in school, she went on to become the head of the student council, became the speaking champion in forensics and was chosen to be one of the two teenagers in the state of Tennessee to go to the White House Conference on Youth.