threat n. 1.A threat to a person or thing is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them. A threat is also the cause of this danger. threat 表示不愉快的事情会发生在某人/物身上的危险。 引起危险的原因也可以用threat表示。 Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships... 2.A threat is a statement by someone that they will do something unpleasant, especially if you do not do what they want. threat也可以表示某人表示会对别人作出不愉快的事情的声明。 He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign... 3. If a person or thing is under threat, there is a danger that something unpleasant might be done to them, or that they might cease to exist. 某人或者某物under threat 表示他们有遇到不愉快的事情的危险,甚至有不复存在危险 His position as leader will be under threat at a party congress due next month... |
grievous adj. 1.If you describe something such as a loss as grievous, you mean that it is extremely serious or worrying in its effects. grievous表示非常严重,或有可能有非常严重的后果 Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries... 2. A grievous injury to your body is one that causes you great pain and suffering. 用grievous形容伤痛表示伤让人非常痛苦 He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries. |
staple adj. 1.A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives. staple可以表示在日常生活中必须的 The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet... n. 2. A staple is something that forms an important part of something else. staple可以表示是某物的重要组成部分 Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism. 3. Staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly. You put the staples into the paper using a device called a stapler. 订书钉 v. 4.If you staple something, you fasten it to something else or fix it in place using staples. 用订书机订起来 Staple some sheets of paper together into a book. |
consolation n. consolation表示安慰 1.A consolation prize is something that is arranged for or is given to a person to make them feel happier when they have failed to achieve something better. consolation prize表示在某人失败后为了让人好受一些而作出的安排。 Her appointment was seen as a consolation prize after she lost the election. |
surrender v. 1.If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten. surrender表示停止和某人斗争并承认自己失败 General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender... 2. If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle. surrender也表示你放弃某样东西,让别人拥有 Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property... 【岚君小乱入: We shall never surrender是当年丘吉尔的名言哦~】 |
heredity n. Heredity is the process by which features and characteristics are passed on from parents to their children before the children are born. heredity表示特征在出生前由父母传到子女的过程 Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer. |
disparity If there is a disparity between two or more things, there is a noticeable difference between them. (FORMAL) disparity表示可以被注意到的不同之处 ...the economic disparities between East and West Berlin. = difference |