2013十大网络流行词英文版: 1. 不明觉厉 中文释义:虽然不明白对方在说/干什么,但觉得很厉害的样子。 英文: 1. I don't quite get it, but I think you are really terrific. 2. I don't know what you said, but it seems you are great. 2. 十动然拒 中文释义:十分感动,然后拒绝。 英文:She was deeply moved but still rejected him. 3.喜大普奔 中文释义:喜闻乐见、大快人心、普天同庆、奔走相告 英文:The news is so exhilarating that everyone is celebrating and spreading it to the rest of the world. 示例:告诉你一个喜大普奔的消息,滨河路大塞车啊。 Example: Here is the news for celebration: Binhe Road is completely jammed up. 4. 人艰不拆 中文释义:人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿 英文: 1. Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed. 2. Life is so hard. Don't hurt me with the truth. 5. 说闹觉余 中文释义:其他人有说有笑、有打有闹,感觉自己很多余。 英文: While the other people are having a good time taking and frolicking, I fell myself an unwelcome outsider. 示例:她都没请我,听说请的都是高富帅、白富美,我自己去了,不是说闹觉余? Example: She didn't invite me. I hear that all those she invited are rich, pretty and posh. If I go uninvited, wouldn't I feel unwelcome? 6. 累觉不爱 中文释义:很累,感觉自己不会再爱了。 英文:Too tired to love. 示例:我很累,感觉自己不会再爱了。 Example: I'm very tired. I don't think I can love again. 7. 火钳刘明 中文释义:“火前留名”,在这个帖子火之前,留下自己的名字 英文:Leave a message/comment before it becomes a top/hot tweet. 8. 细思恐极 中文释义:仔细想想,觉得恐怖至极。 英文: 1. When you think it over, you will feel horrible. 2. When you think it over, it is horrible. 9. 男默女泪 中文释义:男生看了会沉默,女生看了会流泪。 英文: 1.Men would stop talking and women would shed tears when they see this. 2.This term is used in various contexts to express feelings of sympathy, sadness, surprise or awkwardness. 示例: A:昨天逛街看上了一件衣服,店员看了我几眼然后说,对不起,本店没有你可以穿的尺码。 I went shopping yesterday. When I wanted to buy a dress, the shop assistant looked me up and down, then said: "Sorry, we don't have your size in the shop." B:男默女泪。 My sympathy goes out to you. 10. 不约而同 中文释义:很久没有人约,而变成了同性恋。 英文:He becomes a gay (lesbian) after such a long time without dating. |