The list of electronic aids available on new cars today resembles the menu for a Chinese restaurant. There are devices to help drivers steer, brake, see, change lanes, avoid collisions, and parallel park. The self-driving autonomous car may become reality by 2020, as experts believe, but no one need wait for its GPS systems and laser radar to become commercialized until it gets here. Some high-end new models practically drive themselves. 现如今新车的选装配置清单就像中餐馆的菜单,很容易让人挑花了眼。有各种设备可以辅助司机行车、刹车、并线、避免碰撞、并排停车等。有专家相信,到2020年自动驾驶汽车将成为现实,但是现实中没有人想等到自动驾驶汽车的GPS系统和激光雷达完全成熟了再买车。目前某些高端新车从某种程度上说已经是在自动驾驶了。
I'm in favor of anything that makes driving safer, easier, and more efficient. But danger can lurk in unexpected places. What happens if you exchange your Starship Enterprise for an older model or one that is less well-equipped? Expect the cruise control to automatically keep you from colliding with the vehicle in front of you the way your Acura RLX does? Sorry, the car you're driving doesn't have an adaptive system that applies the brakes. CRASH! 我喜欢任何能让驾驶变得更安全、更简单和更有效率的东西。但是危险可能潜伏在我们意想不到的地方。如果你把新买的一辆极为先进的新车换成一款旧车,或是配置不那么齐全的车会怎样?旧车能像讴歌(Acura)RLX的自适应巡航控制系统那样帮你避开路上的其它车辆吗?对不起,这辆旧车没有能够控制刹车的自适应巡航系统,所以追尾是难免的。
With that in mind, I've composed an admittedly very personal list of essential assists that should be in every car. Some are for safety, others provide data, and still others make the ride more comfortable and entertaining. Their common denominator is that I miss them when they aren't there. Your own choices may differ, but here are mine: 考虑到这一点,我列出了一份重要的行车配置清单,我认为这些配置应该安装在每一辆汽车上。不可否认这份清单带有浓厚的个人观点。其中有些配置是安全性配置,有一些配置能提供数据,还有一些配置能提高行车的舒适性和娱乐性。它们共同的特点是,如果一辆车里没有清单里的某些配置,我就会很想念它们。你自己的选择可能和我有出入,不过以下就是我的建议。
1. Push-button ignition/keyless start (1)一键启动/无钥匙启动
I love walking up to a car that unlocks and lights up by itself and then starts without pulling the key out of your pocket or purse. Yes, there is always the danger of forgetting to hand the key over to the parking valet, but that is a small price to pay for the convenience -- especially on a cold day. 我喜欢当我走近一辆汽车里时,它能自动解锁亮灯,而且不用从口袋或钱包里往外掏钥匙。当然,总有人在使用代客泊车服务的时候忘了把车钥匙交给泊车司机,不过考虑到它的便利性,这点小代价是值得的——尤其是在大冷天里。
2. Rearview camera/backup warning system (2)后视摄像头/倒车警告系统
Several times, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has delayed rules for rear visibility that would require backup cameras since Congress required them in 2007, but they can't come fast enough for me. It is much safer to watch a screen on your dashboard that has helpful yellow guide lines than to twist your neck over the back of your seat, look around for blind spots, and then try to back up. And don't omit those helpful beep beep beeps that let you know when you've gotten too close. 美国国会早在2007年就要求私家车必须安装倒车摄像头,不过美国国家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)已然数次推迟了强制安装倒车摄像头的法规。但是倒车摄像头对我来说太必要了。有了它之后,你只需要对着中控台上的屏幕以及屏幕上的黄色倒车线进行操作就行了,这比扭着脖子朝后看有没有盲点要安全得多,另外还有非常有用的“滴滴滴”的声音,提示你是否离后面的东西太近了。
3. Adaptive cruise control (3)自适应巡航控制
It's real helpful in traffic when you have it; real dangerous if you think it is there -- and it isn't. Partial versions slow you down while others bring you to a complete stop. Though Lexus brought the first system to the U.S. in 2000, many domestic models didn't begin offering it until a decade later. 如果你的车上有自适应巡航控制系统,你就会发现它在行车时实在太有用了。不过如果你以为你的车上有这个系统,而事实上却没有的话,那你就非常危险了。如果你的车和前车距离小于安全车距,有些版本的自适应巡航控制系统会控制制动单元进行减速,还有些版本会让你的车子完全停下来。虽然雷克萨斯早在2000年就把第一款自适应巡航控制系统引入了美国,但许多美国本土车型直到2010年前后才开始提供这一系统。
4. Blind spot detection (4)盲点检测
It's a radar-based system that detects vehicles travelling in parallel lanes and uses blinking lights in rear-view mirrors to warn when one is in the blind spot. It's very helpful in preventing you from veering into occupied space, along with the attendant horn-honking and name-calling. More advanced intervention systems apply the brakes to nudge the car out of danger. 盲点检测系统是一个基于雷达的系统,当有车辆和你并行时,如果它进入了你的视线盲点,后视镜上的闪灯就会闪烁,提醒你注意安全。这是个十分有用的配置,可以避免你变线时进入已经被占用的车道,也能使你免遭被人狂按喇叭和破口大骂之苦。更先进的干预系统还可以通过控制刹车使你的车子脱离危险。
5. Navigation system (5)导航系统
Manufacturer-installed or aftermarket, they save lots of hassle (except for those odd times when they lead you astray). Even if you know where you're going, you can program the navi to find out what time you are expected to arrive -- and then try to beat the clock. 不管是原厂的还是在汽配城加装的,它们都让我们省了很多事(除了有些时候它们也会莫名其妙地让我们绕弯路)。即使你知道你想去哪里,你也可以在导航上看看你大概到达的时间——然后可以努力在那个时间之内到达。6. Power tailgate close (6)电动关闭后备箱
Nobody needs to be spared the less-than-onerous task of pulling down the tailgate of an SUV, but it is way more convenient, clean, and quick to push a button -- especially when your arms are full. 虽然大家都不在乎费点力气把SUV的后备箱盖按下去,但是如果只按一个按钮就能关闭后备箱的话,那实在是方便多了,也干净多了——尤其是在你手里抱满东西的时候。
On the instrument panel 仪表盘上
7. Manual gear selection indicator. (7)手动档档位指示
Ever find yourself in fourth gear when you thought you were in sixth? The gear selection indicator keeps your revs from bumping into high. 你是否曾经以为自己挂的是六档,后来才发现挂了四档?档位指示可以让你避免挂错档导致发动机转速过高。
8. Range. (8)续航里程
Even if your car isn't electric, knowing the range-to-empty helps you plan your fill-ups while you hunt for the discount gas station. 就算你的车不是电动车,知道你的车离下次加油还能跑多远,也可以让你对下次加油的时间和地点心里有谱,尤其是当你在找打折的加油站的时候。
9. Outside Temperature. (9)车外气温
Even in an era of phones that also act as thermometers, seeing the ambient temperature on your dash in the morning allows you to calibrate. 这个时代虽然连手机都能当温度计用了,但是如果能够在车里了解到车外的气温,还是有助于让你根据温度调整着装。
10. Satellite radio (10)卫星收音机
Several hundred channels, impeccable reception, and no commercials. A must for long commutes and road trips. your day. 有好几百个频道,在信号接收上也无可挑剔,而且没有商业广告,是居家旅行、长距离通勤的必备神器。
11. Heated seats (11)电加热座椅
They make cold starts in frigid weather bearable, but only if they warm up quickly -- say, in less than a mile. A heated steering wheel is often available as a package deal. 它让寒冷冬天的冷车启动变得不那么难熬——但前提条件是它们能很快热起来——比如在一英里之内。它一般会和电加热方向盘放在同一个套餐里供你选择。 |