Find the shape of your body to change or try to belly fat, without losing a gym, with high prices? If so, try this workout, high energy cardiovascular.
Burn with 10 minutes of exercise routine can have up to 150 calories per day.
The first two minutes of the routine is the burning of fat: Jump Rope - Begin by selecting two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the toes (the beginning of the foot). Continue to think I’m losing weight.
Two to three minutes: the squat thrust in a push-up the proper technique for this exercise is to the feet shoulder width apart and your arms are crossed the Straits on the sides. Slowly squat with your head forward and put his hand on the edge of the soles. The hands should be pointing forward. Then in one motion, press back and legs) behind them (board position. Ask a bare plate and then jump back into a crouch and standing up. Keep thinking, the fat disappears.
Well. I don't think it is a good exercise because I could not understand the instructions..However, I do need other immediate and effective exercise to lose weight, especially the dummy on my belly.