Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi answers questions on China's foreign policy and foreign relations at a press conference for the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress in Beijing, capital of China, March 8, 2017. (Xinhua/Cui Xinyu) 3月8日,十二届全国人大五次会议新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部部长王毅就中国的外交政策和对外关系答记者问。 以下为王毅外长在本次记者会上针对一些热门问题的精彩回应: “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛: Leaders of more than 20 countries will attend a high-level Belt and Road Initiative forum in Beijing in May, joining more than 50 leaders of international organizations, 100 ministerial representatives and a total of 1,200 guests across the world. 有20多位国家元首和首脑、50多位国际组织负责人、100多位部长级代表以及总共1200多位来自世界各国和各个地区的嘉宾,将出席5月份举办的“一带一路”高峰论坛。 The initiative not only belongs to China, it also belongs to the world. The benefit of the initiative will be shared by the whole world. It has become the most popular international public product and the best international cooperation forum by far since President Xi Jinping proposed it over three years ago. “一带一路”是中国的,但更是世界的。“一带一路”版权虽属中国,但收益为各国共享。习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议三年多来,成为迄今最受欢迎的国际公共产品,也是目前前景最好的国际合作平台。 Facing the rising protectionism and unilateralism, the Belt and Road Initiative is a common cause that requires all countries to roll up their sleeves, which will push the world economy to achieve a rebalance in an inclusive way that will benefit all. And it will become an important practice to build a human community with shared destiny. 在当前保护主义、单边主义抬头的情况下,“一带一路”是各国撸起袖子一起干的共同事业,有助于推动经济全球化朝着更加普惠、包容的方向来实现再平衡,当然也将成为共建人类命运共同体的重要实践。 中美关系: There is no reason why China and the US couldn't become excellent partners, as long as we act on the consensus reached by our presidents, follow the principles of no-conflict, no-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. 只要遵循两国元首达成的共识,秉持不冲突、不对抗,相互尊重、合作共赢的原则,中美两国就完全可以成为很好的合作伙伴。 A Chinese saying goes that "when turning 30, one should be able to stand firm; when entering 40, one should no longer have any doubts". We hope China and the US can truly rise above the old ideas, open up new horizons and build a more robust and mature relationship as it turns 40, so that we can put the minds of our two peoples and the whole world at ease. 中国人常说“三十而立、四十不惑”,我们希望中美关系能够真正地超越旧观念,打开新视野,步入更加稳健、成熟的不惑之年,走上一条让两国人民安心、让世界各国放心的宽广大道。 朝鲜半岛: It’s like two accelerating trains coming towards each other with neither side willing to give way. Are the two sides really ready for a head-on collision? The priority is to flash the red light and apply the brakes. 就像两组不断加速的列车,互不相让,难道双方都做好了迎头相撞的准备吗?当务之急要做的就是亮起红灯、同时刹车。 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) may suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for the suspension of large-scale U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) military exercises. This will help the parties to break out of the security dilemma and return to the negotiating table. We may follow the dual-track approach of denuclearizing the peninsula on the one hand and establishing a peace mechanism on the other. 朝鲜暂停核导活动,美韩也暂停大规模军演,通过“双暂停”摆脱目前的安全困境,并且使各方重新回到谈判桌前。之后,按照“双轨并进”思路,将实现半岛无核化和建立半岛和平机制结合起来。 中俄美关系: The China-Russia-US relationship in the new era should not be a seesaw game, and the three countries should work with each other rather than against each other. We should pursue win-win rather than zero-sum outcomes. 我们认为新时期的中美俄关系不应该是你上我下的跷跷板,三方应该一起做加法,而不是减法,应该一起谋共赢,而不是零和。 We believe that the three countries can develop a healthy and positive relationship so that they can jointly fulfill their responsibilities for world peace and development. 我们认为三方完全可以通过良性互动、相互促进,来共同履行维护世界和平的义务,共同承担促进全球发展的责任。 台湾问题: There is no basis in the international law for the Taiwan region to establish or maintain the so-called diplomatic relations with any country since such relations have no legitimacy and future. "The Taiwan authorities should clearly recognize this major trend: no one and no force can block the eventual and complete reunification of China. 台湾地区与任何国家建立或保持所谓的“外交关系”,都缺乏国际法依据,都没有正当性,也必然是没有前途的。台湾当局应该认清这一大势,任何人、任何势力都不可能阻挡中国最终实现国家的完全统一。 中韩关系: Deploying THAAD is a wrong move. This is not the way for neighbors to treat each other. It may very well make the ROK less secure. 引进“萨德”显然是一个错误的选择,不仅有违为邻之道,而且很可能使韩国陷入更加不安全的境地。 China strongly advised the ROK to halt the deployment of THAAD and not stray any farther down the wrong path, "otherwise the ROK will only end up hurting themselves and others. 所以我们奉劝韩国国内某些势力不要再一意孤行,否则结果只能是损人又害己。 中非关系: China and Africa have a shared future with a relationship of mutual help as two brothers. Regardless of the international situation, there will be no weakening in China's support for Africa. 中非是休戚与共的命运共同体,我们之间的合作是兄弟之间的互帮互助。不管国际风云如何变幻,不管世界经济如何冷暖,中国支持非洲的力度都不会减弱。 南海问题: Over the past year, tides have risen and fallen and the South China Sea has returned to calm. I would go further than saying it has come down somewhat, and say the situation has come down visibly. This is result of joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries and is welcoming news for the region and the world. 过去一年,南海潮起潮落,最终趋于平静,不是有所降温,而是明显降温。这是中国和东盟国家共同努力的结果,是地区之幸,也是世界之福。 While some people in the world believe in Alfred Mahan’s theory of controlling the seas, the Chinese people prefer the approach taken by Zheng He and value maritime cooperation. In the 21st century, we would like to see more maritime cooperation and greater trust between parties. Even between China and the United States, if we change our mindset, and the vast oceans may become a broad stage for our cooperation. 中国人的海洋观推崇郑和,看重的是海洋合作;而有些人信奉的是马汉,热衷控制海权。在21世纪的今天,我们希望海上合作更多一些,各方的信任更增几分。即使是中美之间,只要转变观念,浩瀚的海洋也完全可以成为两国合作的广阔天地。 中国与菲律宾、东盟的关系: The turnaround in China-Philippines relations has scattered the doubt clouds over China-ASEAN relations. Last year marks the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue relations, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of ASEAN’s founding. The silver anniversary and the golden anniversary are especially auspicious for regional cooperation. We must seize the opportunities. China will support the Philippines in fulfilling its responsibilities as the ASEAN chair and we will help ASEAN build its community. 中菲关系雨过天晴,也为中国和东盟关系驱散了阴霾。去年是中国东盟建立对话关系25周年,今年又恰逢东盟成立50周年。25年是银婚,50年是金婚。对于地区合作而言,这两年是双喜临门,我们要两好并一好,好上加好。我们将支持菲律宾履行好东盟轮值主席国的职责,也将助力东盟推进共同体的建设。 新媒体: The new media have built a two-way bridge between the foreign ministry and the general public. It has made China’s diplomacy more down to earth and better understood by our people. 新媒体使外交更接地气、更有人气,在外交部和社会公众之间架起了一座更为直接的互动桥梁。 Serving the people is a binding goal of China’s diplomacy. Going forward, we will make greater use of new media to set up more antennas to pick up public opinion, operate more “through trains” to provide direct service for the people, and offer more lifelines of consular support. 外交为民是中国外交不变的宗旨,下一步我们将借助新媒体,打造更多倾听民意的“顺风耳”,开设更多服务民众的“直通车”,开辟更多海外领保的“生命线”。 文章来源:马文英(中国日报网英语点津 ) |