Hi Guys,
Dogs are good friends with human. Many people feed them as pets. Do you know the English name of these common dogs?
Today I’ll introduce some English name of dogs, please see details below and let me know if any questions.
1. Golden Retriever 金毛寻回犬
2. Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬(哈士奇)
3. Poodle 贵宾犬(泰迪)
4. Corgi 柯基犬
5. Chihuahua 吉娃娃
6. Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬
7. Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒
8. German shepherd 德国牧羊犬
9. Shiba Inu 柴犬
10. French Bulldog 法国斗牛犬
Dogs are good friends with human. Many people feed them as pets. Do you know the English name of these common dogs?
Today I’ll introduce some English name of dogs, please see details below and let me know if any questions.
1. Golden Retriever 金毛寻回犬
2. Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬(哈士奇)
3. Poodle 贵宾犬(泰迪)
4. Corgi 柯基犬
5. Chihuahua 吉娃娃
6. Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬
7. Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒
8. German shepherd 德国牧羊犬
9. Shiba Inu 柴犬
10. French Bulldog 法国斗牛犬