1. 京剧是一门高雅的古典艺术,是中华民族文化的瑰宝,是中国的国粹。
Beijing Opera is a refined classical art. It is a treasure of the Chinese nation as well as a cultural symbol of China.
2. 京剧艺术的历史悠久,源远流长,内容丰厚,形式完美,风格独特,直至今天,仍能令无数中外观众为之倾倒。
Rich in content, perfect in form and unique in style, Beijing Opera, with a long history, is still enjoyed by a large Chinese and foreign audience.
3. 京剧剧目丰富多彩,琳琅满目。
There is a long list of Beijing Operas with a wide range of subjects.
4. 根据不同标准,从不同的角度,可划分为不同的类型。
Beijing Opera can be divided into different types according to different criteria or approaches.
5. 京剧流派异彩纷呈,风格迥异,各有千秋,在京剧舞台与艺坛上熠熠生辉。
There are many schools of Beijing Opera, with distinctly different styles, each having its own merits.