Distinct name
用以特指某类或某一个事物的名称。“别名”是荀子(前313 ?—前238)所使用的一种名称类别,与“共名”相对。名用以指称实。同一类别之中具有特殊属性的事物类别,可以用一个“别名”来加以指称。一个“别名”所指称的事物类别中若仍然具有特殊的事物类别,可以用更高层级的“别名”来加以指称。如此类推,直至不能划分出更细致的事物类别。指称一个事物大类的“别名”称为“大别名”。
A distinct name is used for a particular category or a certain object. It is used by Xunzi (313?-238BC) in contrast with “general name.” A name should denote the nature of a thing. Things in the same category that have unique features can be referred to by “distinct names.” Subsets within that category with further characteristics of their own can in turn have a higher-level “distinct name.” A distinct name with the broadest reference is called is called “broad distinct name.”
有时而欲偏(biàn)举之,故谓之鸟兽。鸟兽也者,大别名也。推而别之,别则有别,至于无别然后止。 (《荀子•正名》) (有时想要部分地指称某类事物,就称之为“鸟兽”。“鸟兽”就是最大的“别名”。推演而寻求“别名”,“别名”之内还有更高层级的“别名”,一直到无法再推出更高层级的“别名”为止。)
Sometimes we wish to speak of them in part, and so we refer to them as “birds and beasts.” “Birds and beasts” is a broad distinct name. We can break it down to make ever more distinctions, drawing finer distinctions within fine distinctions until no more distinctions can be made. (Xunzi)
Distinct name
用以特指某类或某一个事物的名称。“别名”是荀子(前313 ?—前238)所使用的一种名称类别,与“共名”相对。名用以指称实。同一类别之中具有特殊属性的事物类别,可以用一个“别名”来加以指称。一个“别名”所指称的事物类别中若仍然具有特殊的事物类别,可以用更高层级的“别名”来加以指称。如此类推,直至不能划分出更细致的事物类别。指称一个事物大类的“别名”称为“大别名”。
A distinct name is used for a particular category or a certain object. It is used by Xunzi (313?-238BC) in contrast with “general name.” A name should denote the nature of a thing. Things in the same category that have unique features can be referred to by “distinct names.” Subsets within that category with further characteristics of their own can in turn have a higher-level “distinct name.” A distinct name with the broadest reference is called is called “broad distinct name.”
有时而欲偏(biàn)举之,故谓之鸟兽。鸟兽也者,大别名也。推而别之,别则有别,至于无别然后止。 (《荀子•正名》) (有时想要部分地指称某类事物,就称之为“鸟兽”。“鸟兽”就是最大的“别名”。推演而寻求“别名”,“别名”之内还有更高层级的“别名”,一直到无法再推出更高层级的“别名”为止。)
Sometimes we wish to speak of them in part, and so we refer to them as “birds and beasts.” “Birds and beasts” is a broad distinct name. We can break it down to make ever more distinctions, drawing finer distinctions within fine distinctions until no more distinctions can be made. (Xunzi)