今日: 4
- 主题:3436
- 排名:29
mengxn874《暮光之城》男女主角被曝已在洛杉矶同居 ( +15 )北京时间4月27日,据英国媒体消息,电影《暮光之城》情侣罗伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)和克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Krist ..139 2010-04-28 8492阅读
ranfeng急求高手帮忙翻译此段文字……急求高手帮忙翻译此段文字 在论文答辩中要用到 5-8分钟的脱稿英语论述让我崩溃! 语言是文化的肌肤,语言是文化的冠石,语言所 ..1 2010-04-27 2140阅读
mengxn874贝克汉姆头救了小男孩的命 ( +10 )Maddox Tallowin's parents discovered lumps on the back of his head when they gave him the haircut last October. ..5 2010-04-27 1909阅读
mengxn874外星生物或存在 危险勿近 ( +5 )英国著名物理学家史蒂芬霍金近日发出警告,称外星生物可能真的存在,但是人类与他们接触可能会带来毁灭性的后果 在“探索”频 ..2 2010-04-27 1408阅读
mengxn874法男子用国旗擦屁股照片引热议 ( +10 )2 2010-04-27 1755阅读
mengxn874历史照片追忆萨马兰奇 ( +20 )前国际奥委会主席胡安-安东尼奥-萨马兰奇于周三(当地时间4月21日)在西班牙巴塞罗那市一家医院去世,享年89岁。 Former Inte ..5 2010-04-26 1908阅读
mengxn874流行风格:花样美男和中性美女 ( +15 )Do you notice men these days are becoming more and more interested in how they look? Some mans use moisturizers and make ..6 2010-04-26 1842阅读
mengxn874众名人参加环保拍卖 响应世界地球日 ( +5 )2 2010-04-26 1739阅读
mengxn874《十月围城》成香港金像奖最大赢家 ( +5 )影后惠英红与影帝任达华的合影 第二十九届香港电影金像奖获奖名单周日晚揭晓。一部动作悬疑片和一部小成本温情家庭片成为两 ..1 2010-04-26 1585阅读
mengxn874去恋爱吧,别给青春留下遗憾 ( +15 )PHOTO BY CHEN CHAO 很少有人通过速配节目来寻找伴侣。当大学名人马伊咪、谢佳在江苏电视台的《非诚勿扰》栏目中为选择“潜 ..2 2010-04-25 1811阅读
mengxn874震后玉树在废墟上重建生活 ( +10 )在恶劣的天气条件下,一车车的食物,水以及帐篷运抵结古镇,这座位于地震震中的小镇也开始渐渐恢复常态。截止到周二上 ..1 2010-04-21 1903阅读
mengxn874另类“水中瑜伽”风靡印度 ( +10 )You've probably heard of hot yoga and power yoga, but now there's another form of the physical and mental activity that' ..3 2010-04-21 1657阅读
wondernana喝酒的女人更聪明 ( +8 )Those with degrees are almost twice as likely to drink daily, and they are also more likely to admit to having a drinkin ..4 2010-04-20 2039阅读
园长509外媒一篇关于玉树地震的报道 ( +10 )China has poured rescue workers and equipment into a mountainous Tibetan region in a bid to find survivors after earthqu ..3 2010-04-18 2626阅读
wondernana为了健康,该不该放弃笔记本? ( +10 )Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U.S. for the first time ever this fall, according to market-research fi ..6 2010-04-12 2353阅读
wondernana生个男孩代表家里要多存钱 ( +15 )China's one-child policy combined with the preference for sons has skewed the population toward males. New research show ..7 2010-04-11 3021阅读
mengxn874[娱乐八卦]Lady Gaga迅速成名启示录 ( +15 )在Lady Gaga为格莱美表演之后,美国媒体全面盘点Lady Gaga成名路,似乎有意让Lady Gaga成为美国流行文化的新代言人。 Lady Gaga ..2 2010-04-11 2167阅读
wondernana帅爸的相貌传女不传男 ( +15 )Attractive fathers do not pass their looks on to their sons but they will hand their good looks down to their daughters, ..6 2010-04-05 2718阅读
mengxn874【双语新闻】法男子入侵奥巴马微博账号被捕~~ 狠人啊 (转) ( +10 )3 2010-03-31 2530阅读
Ceci1118看新闻学英语-My News summary ( +5 )0 2010-03-30 3129阅读
mengxn874主题:世界各国男人优劣排行榜 (转) ( +10 )German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title. 一项调查表明, ..14 2010-03-28 3640阅读
gxy123伍兹忏悔声明全文啦~~~中英 ( +10 )Good morning, and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. M ..1 2010-03-19 1805阅读