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乐锦。『派 派 活 动 区』☜♡☞2024年11月签到&活动帖汇总-已更新☜♡☞30 2024-10-28 150977阅读
沈淮西。◇◆ 团队呈现 ◆◇ 派派公共签赠送 第十五期41 2024-07-26 3176阅读
高町奈叶。【派派实习版主招聘】暂停招聘44 2023-06-24 25803阅读
左。微希▎▋【English Corner】版主直通车——We listen to what you say ▌▎ ( +1 )98 2012-01-03 34299阅读
潇萧筱雪▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章申请帖 ▌▎(申请勋章请点击举报)102 2017-05-02 8406阅读
Sadistic_▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章剩余积分兑换贴 ▌▎(兑换请点击举报)26 2016-09-06 4488阅读
睡着的饼干▎▋【English Corner】版规 ▌▎1 2010-10-30 24011阅读
yxl011320Let's use some expressions to show our feelings towards this hot weather.The temperature is high in my city today. What I need to do is just staying at home with the air-conditioner on. The exp ..1 2023-07-12 628阅读
09wjzhuA little inspirationSometimes when trying to be brave, it is pretty awful;it would suggest that everyone sees through you. I prefer "me— ..2 2023-07-07 570阅读
徐徐徐伦Quora精选:印象深刻的文化冲击 ( +6 )What is your most memorable cultural shock? 你印象最深的文化冲击是什么? In summer of 2015, I was in Helsinki, Finland ..0 2019-09-23 389阅读
岚の爱刷脸支付太丑不愿用?支付宝:美颜功能马上有 ( +3 )A poll ran by news portal Sina Technology showed that more than 60% of respondents think they look uglier through the ne ..20 2019-07-08 721阅读
200701140030talk about something I want to say ( +2 )There is nothing which is very specific to say Just not come herefor a long time In fact,I'm a little nervous Because ..2 2019-07-06 407阅读
遥胖《流浪地球》的英文名翻译《流浪地球》是我在大学时期就看过的科幻小说,当时看的时候就被作者新颖而又宏大的设定所打动,十几年来一直念念不忘。今年终于 ..2 2019-03-31 1233阅读
cakeektt你会表达生气吗中文里你表示表示生气有火冒三丈、怒发冲冠、气到七窍生烟······这么多种状态,英文如果你只会“angry”和“mad”那肯定也 ..4 2019-03-29 451阅读
lynn小乐Easter SundayHow do people determine the Easter Sunday's date? It will be the Sunday after the paschal full moon date. How do people ..0 2019-03-29 385阅读
yan352Oh my GodI will try my best to let the people I love to know that how I love you,and the same is true of paipai。2 2019-03-27 418阅读
gdsf2010Account is cleared?what would you do if the account number of the paipaiback garden was cleared?2 2019-03-26 415阅读
墨淡淡推荐一个学英语口语的app给大家推荐一个学英语口语的app,英语流利说,每天可以打卡,也可以根据自己的学习要求来选择课程,可以根据你自己的学习成程度 ..20 2019-03-26 625阅读
原野有蔓草十个趣味英文小知识 ( +3 )分享一下网络上看来的有趣英文小知识 1. Aoccdrnig to a research procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht or ..13 2019-03-24 655阅读
inseyon1备考经验(转载)1 2019-03-24 384阅读
521liann学习英语的几款app推荐 ( +3 )这里就给大家推荐几款好用的英语学习软件,给那些为了看懂美剧,或者为了出国旅游和别人交流无障碍,或者是工作需要,或者是个人兴 ..16 2019-03-24 649阅读
bloodlust801$1.3 trillion and 7,000 finance jobs are leaving Britain because of Brexit ( +1 )又来分享今天让我笑出来的reddit神回复 先不论cnn如何了,我也不怎么喜欢cnn但谁让连接就是他们家的文章呢。 其中我扫了一下报 ..0 2019-03-23 371阅读
wj363745711英语表达的那些事儿有很多人在学英语的时候注重听读写,忽视了说。 其实说好英语一样重要,在日常生活中其实交流沟通也是非常重要哒! 我来总结一下 ..11 2019-03-23 569阅读
bloodlust801看到个showerthought还真是特别有感触 ( +2 )楼主是reddit的深度潜水人员(顺便说用英文说就是lurker,在潜水动词就是lurking),有时候看到有趣的帖会截图。今天翻手机相簿看 ..0 2019-03-22 409阅读
xnyr有没有人用薄荷阅读?有英文原文书拿哦!大概一年前发现薄荷阅读这个神器,是微信上的公众号,主打提升英语阅读能力的产品,每期100天,只要阅读打卡时间超过80天,就能 ..5 2019-03-21 796阅读
怀特先生家的兔子Some Thoughts To Be An IntrovertSometimes I feel not good to be an introvert. Maybe I always would like to be alone to do something I would like to do w ..0 2019-03-20 373阅读
bloodlust801Drug that can make your blood poisonous to mosquitoshttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180328103719.htm https://cvmbs.source.colostate.edu/csu-researcher-leads-s ..0 2019-03-19 444阅读
小猪贝贝030112实用的英语翻译软件给要出国游玩的小伙伴推荐一款手机APP——有道翻译官 有道翻译官的界面时尚又美观,翻译功能十分强大,提供中、英、日、韩等国语 ..3 2019-03-19 430阅读
whatamassMaster Chef ( +2 )Master Chef is one of my favourite reality shows. It's joyfull to watch the home cooks create delicous food, and some o ..0 2019-03-18 374阅读
liangchuo分享一个我在使用的英语学习App前几年一直都有在断断续续的听开言英语的免费节目,今年和老外客服打了几次电话发现真的得恶补一下英语口语,不然再过几年恐怕得 ..0 2019-03-18 403阅读
illilhdaily chit chat ( +2 )ID: illilh Date(日期): 3.17 Chat(闲谈):I just finished the enrollment of my program, guess I will have to get the ..1 2019-03-17 403阅读
lisalee0917The Basic Elements of Appreciating English Poetry ( +4 )The Basic Elements of Appreciating English Poetry 1.What is poetry? Poetry is the expression of Impassioned feeling in l ..1 2019-03-17 440阅读
云上尘飞和大家分享很久前看过的英语小散文--Happiness is an attitude ( +4 )2 2019-03-17 475阅读
qinqindaling37岁上班族的求学英语经验想问各位,上班族,年龄三十七八岁,现在学英语还可以吗,每天工作忙忙碌碌的,回家都大约10点左右了,有没有好的经验分享下呢。12 2018-12-07 763阅读
nnmlhcfree thoughts these days ( +5 )People are prone to be lazy. As we all know,it's not easy to keep a good habit.These days,I try to keep exercising.Somet ..2 2018-04-12 818阅读
ZRJINGTHANKS 【伍六】【潇萧筱雪】 ( +5 )Was in low mood today All sorts of things are not very smooth But more lucky in pettitte also can meet you such a lovely ..0 2017-07-26 885阅读
CHY213a7谈谈自己的最近学习英语方法这里是在读高中生,想改善下英语,促进下语感词量的发展哈哈哈~~~ 微信朋友圈添加了一个单词机器人,就是每次刷朋友圈都可以看到 ..7 2017-02-03 932阅读