今日: 36
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奔跑得蜗牛掌握文化背景 五大技巧助你轻松听懂老外的俚语 ( +5 )掌握文化背景 五大技巧助你轻松听懂老外的俚语作者: WikiHow 大家在阅读英文原著,或者跟外国人交流的时候,是不是时常有这样 ..2 2017-02-03 837阅读
funkyladywhat do you think of trump?I think he's kind of crazy, due to he's a big capitalist, benefit is all he wants. And actually he's good at put words i ..3 2017-01-30 544阅读
Jessica02f23外国人也看的书 ( +5 )Tao Te Ching(道德经) By Lao Tzu 看看外国人的评价 "It would be hard to find a fresh approach to a text that ranks only ..10 2016-11-02 683阅读
sion2012碰到的英语黑话,俚语,没品词有的比较污,我觉得应该算是黑话。慢慢补充吧 1 先是我游戏里加一个人好友,其实我每局打完了都会加所有参与者好友,为了双倍 ..0 2015-12-03 1137阅读
雨过天晴aa19dplease get me a good movie about dog.i like dog, has somebody get me a good movie about dog.7 2015-06-03 941阅读
77恋兰职场攻略:职场新人如何能脱颖而出职场攻略:职场新人如何能脱颖而出 职场新人往往会发现,工作中的困难比自己预计的多得多。面对困难和挑战,职场新人怎样脱颖而 ..5 2014-12-26 1485阅读
77恋兰健康饮食小诀窍:每日蔬果需占8成 ( +3 )3 2014-11-09 1602阅读
北辰九光棍节献礼:35句婚恋箴言 ( +5 )光棍节献礼:35句婚恋箴言1.By all means marry, if you get a good wife, you'll be happy, if you get a bad one, you'll beco ..4 2014-11-09 1825阅读
北辰九父母送给自己孩子的40句箴言 ( +5 )父母送给自己孩子的40句箴言 I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are ..2 2014-11-09 1728阅读
北辰九屌丝生存状况报告 ( +4 )Prick silk survival status reportsOn October 29th, Peking University’s Center for Market and Media Studies released a r ..5 2014-11-06 1905阅读
北辰九带你领略美式婚礼 ( +5 )带你领略美式婚礼 I do." To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if ..2 2014-11-06 1509阅读
北辰九世界各地的逗逼标牌,看完你醉了么? ( +3 )1 2014-11-05 1380阅读
77恋兰大熊猫宝宝可爱睡姿大公开导读: 任何人看见它们可爱的样子都会不由自主地发出赞叹声。这些大熊猫宝宝们安静地睡在育幼室里打盹,在它们惹人喜爱的外表之 ..5 2014-11-04 2147阅读
77恋兰摄影师拍到,可爱花栗鼠偷玉米 ( +3 )一只贪婪的花栗鼠往自己嘴里不断塞玉米粒,两腮撑的想要爆掉一样。加拿大摄影师芭芭拉?利尼将玉米棒悬挂在自己的后花园喂鸟,谁 ..4 2014-11-03 1805阅读
77恋兰怎样知道,别人在想什么? ( +5 )导读:怎样知道别人在想什么?观察他的眼球运动。 When grappling with finding the answer to a question, most people use on ..4 2014-11-03 1674阅读
77恋兰对游客给的零食来者不拒,美国公园灰松鼠圆滚如球 ( +3 )尽管居住在加利福尼亚这个注重形象的地方,却有一位居民豁出去了,根本不注重自己的形象。在美国加州的Morro Rock州立保护区里, ..1 2014-11-03 1697阅读
北辰九你应该变强大:关于生活的14个事实 ( +4 )你应该变强大:关于生活的14个事实 We spend much of our lives going about completely blind to reality, and yet we still ha ..1 2014-11-03 1909阅读
77恋兰鬼脸瑜伽,强效除皱 ( +3 )导读:瑜伽健身之风刮了好几年,不少白领都热衷于下班后到瑜伽会馆舒展一下,放松身体和紧张的神经。身体轻松了,可脸上的皱纹却 ..4 2014-11-01 2136阅读
77恋兰怎样快速减去腹部脂肪? ( +10 )Find the shape of your body to change or try to belly fat, without losing a gym, with high prices? If so, try this worko ..7 2014-11-01 1981阅读
绿水绕幽橘爱情不是商品 ( +3 )Love Is Not Like Merchandise 爱情不是商品 A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes ..1 2014-10-28 1442阅读
绿水绕幽橘甜蜜英文——情书里可以用到的英文句子 ( +4 )Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes. 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. I feel happy at ti ..2 2014-10-18 1964阅读
绿水绕幽橘打开心门拥抱生活 ( +5 )We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us, we let i ..2 2014-10-02 1596阅读
JessieAquaA TO ZA - Z A Avoid negtive people, places, things and habits. 远离消极的人,地方,事和习惯 B Believe in yourself. 相信自 ..2 2014-08-13 1601阅读
77恋兰离职证明:[前老板]使绊子怎么办?~! ( +5 )Dear Annie: I read your article about quitting over ethics, and I have a somewhat related question about my own situatio ..0 2014-08-09 1837阅读
77恋兰处理[婆媳关系]的关键~! ( +5 )Jim Brown knew he was in trouble before his mother finished asking the question. 'Am I a better cook than your wife?' sh ..0 2014-08-09 1797阅读
77恋兰揭秘苹果员工的[平均薪资]~!Apple plans to build a new "spaceship" headquarters in Cupertino, California. 苹果公司计划在加州库比蒂诺市建立一个新的 ..0 2014-08-09 1775阅读
77恋兰省钱要从点滴做起:教你33种省钱妙招~! ( +5 )33 Painless Ways to Save Money Now 轻松省钱33招 In a difficult economy, most of us are looking for ways to put more mo ..2 2014-08-08 1606阅读
77恋兰纽约被评为美国最脏城市 游客称有尿骚味~! ( +4 )0 2014-08-08 1227阅读
77恋兰囧研究:想要夫妻关系好 每周共饮一瓶酒~! ( +4 )Alcohol doesn’t get the best of press these days. But researchers say it could be the secret to a happy marriage. 酒最 ..0 2014-08-08 908阅读
wj宝宝宅男宝典 宅到什么程度才叫宅 ( +5 )Like with any language, the meanings of certain Japanese words change over time. Take the word “otaku,” which is origi ..0 2014-07-19 1628阅读