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乐锦。『派 派 活 动 区』☜♡☞2024年11月签到&活动帖汇总-已更新☜♡☞30 2024-10-28 150971阅读
沈淮西。◇◆ 团队呈现 ◆◇ 派派公共签赠送 第十五期41 2024-07-26 3173阅读
高町奈叶。【派派实习版主招聘】暂停招聘44 2023-06-24 25801阅读
左。微希▎▋【English Corner】版主直通车——We listen to what you say ▌▎ ( +1 )98 2012-01-03 34299阅读
潇萧筱雪▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章申请帖 ▌▎(申请勋章请点击举报)102 2017-05-02 8406阅读
Sadistic_▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章剩余积分兑换贴 ▌▎(兑换请点击举报)26 2016-09-06 4488阅读
睡着的饼干▎▋【English Corner】版规 ▌▎1 2010-10-30 24011阅读
mileyjun双语美文赏析:《拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书》 ( +2 )Napoleon to Josephine 拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书 I have your letter, my adorable love. It has filled my heart with j ..0 2023-07-31 460阅读
yxl011320在这火辣辣的季节,分享火辣辣的爱: A red red rose by Robert Burns ( +2 )在这火辣辣的季节,分享火辣辣的爱: A red red rose by Robert Burns O, my Luve' s like a red, red rose, That' s newly sp ..0 2023-07-11 454阅读
茗日夏末【转】Preparations of business lunch(商业午餐) ( +4 )▍|▍▍||▍|▍|▍▍||▍|▍|▍▍|| Preparations of business lunch(商业午餐) American businessmen frequently use soc ..0 2020-11-29 434阅读
豆太【转】双语美文 岑桑 残雪断想 ( +4 )残雪断想 The Melting Snow 岑桑 Cen Sang 残雪不甘沦落,东一堆,西一堆,在那坑坑洼洼的地方,还积得老深,散发出令人战栗 ..1 2020-08-29 412阅读
豆太【转】双语美文 巴金 一千三百圆 ( +4 )1,300 Yuan 一千三百圆 ◎ Ba Jin ◎ 巴金 I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine. There were s ..0 2020-08-29 377阅读
豆太亲情剧《以家人之名》大火, 片名的英文你绝对想不到! ( +4 )1 SPEAKING 最近,亲情剧《以家人之名》大火, 豆瓣评分8.5 有网友称: 这是我见过的最奇怪的一家人 这才刚开始,我就哭了1 ..3 2020-08-28 559阅读
豆太转 [双语美文] 林语堂《人生如诗》一首诗道尽了整个人生... ( +2 )Human Life a Poem Lin Yutang Human life a Poem I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads ..0 2020-08-28 410阅读
kissCat2012【转载】How I Met Your Mother (老爸老妈罗曼史) – 11 cool facts you might not know ( +3 )How I Met Your Mother一直是我最喜爱的一部show,所以转载这篇让我感到很感兴趣的文章。 It's been more than six years since ..0 2020-05-03 382阅读
九春怿你如何知道你恋爱了 ( +5 )00000你如何知道你恋爱了 ——表观遗传学、压力和性别身份 00000中英文稿I love you. 我爱你 (Laughter) (笑声) When you are ..2 2020-04-28 489阅读
九春怿地球生命起源之谜 ( +4 )00000地球生命起源之谜00000中英文稿Billions of years ago on the young planet Earth 数十亿年前,在年轻的地球上, simple or ..0 2020-04-28 355阅读
九春怿为什么人们会担心不好的事情发生 ( +4 )00000Why do people fear the wrong things? 为什么人们会担心不好的事情发生00000中英文稿A new drug reducesthe risk of hear ..0 2020-04-28 373阅读
九春怿如何让“无效率”成为助力 ( +5 )00000How to make inefficiency work for us 如何让“无效率”成为助力00000中英文稿Who doesn't love efficiency, I do. Effici ..0 2020-04-26 358阅读
九春怿我们在品尝食物时,大脑潜意识在想些什么 ( +6 )00000我们在品尝食物时,大脑潜意识在想些什么00000中英文稿So I had this very interesting experience five years ago. You kn ..2 2020-04-21 426阅读
九春怿The philosophy of cynicism 批判的哲学 ( +5 )00000The philosophy of cynicism 批判的哲学00000中英文稿In the 4th century BCE, 在西元前第四世纪, a banker’s son threw ..0 2020-04-21 385阅读
九春怿为什么应该要读《哈姆雷特》? ( +6 )00000为什么应该要读《哈姆雷特》? ——深究哈姆雷特的人性和悲剧00000中英文稿"Who’s there?" Whispered in the dark, 在黑暗 ..0 2020-04-07 359阅读
九春怿TED演讲:酒精简史——公元前7000年诞生于中国 ( +5 )貓貓酒精简史: 中英文稿 This chimpanzee stumblesacross a windfall of overripe plums.这只黑猩猩偶然发现了 一堆熟透了的李 ..1 2020-04-05 410阅读
徐徐徐伦双语美文:今天是我一生中最好的一天 ( +3 )I was sitting at the dinner table 我坐在餐桌边 with my mother and step father 母亲和继父跟我坐在一起 discussing two diff ..2 2019-09-24 402阅读
柳色无玄。老舍 《小麻雀》 ( +5 )Lao She《A Little Sparrow》 老舍 《小麻雀》 As soon as the rain stopped, a little sparrow, almost full-fledged,flew int ..2 2019-07-06 403阅读
柳色无玄。【转】散文英译汉佳作赏析:母亲的礼物 ( +5 )My Mother's Gift 母亲的礼物 I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house a ..6 2019-07-06 467阅读
柳色无玄。【转】[双语美文]都德:最后一课 ( +5 )I was very late for school that morning, and I wasterribly afraidof being scolded, especially as MonsieurHamel had told ..1 2019-07-06 396阅读
柳色无玄。【转】双语美文 郁达夫:《故都的秋》 ( +5 )Autumn In The Ancient Capital Autumn is always wonderful regardless of where it is. But autumn in the north is especi ..1 2019-07-05 425阅读
柳色无玄。【转】双语美文:卓别林《当我开始爱自己》 ( +5 )当我开始爱自己 As I began to love myself As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are o ..5 2019-07-05 451阅读
一醉如故优美的英文诗歌分享【中英对照】 ( +3 )《When you are old》——《当你老了》 --- William Butler Yeats ——威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 When you are old and grey and full ..0 2019-06-14 361阅读
huifu1213Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood glucose九小时进食法控制血糖 ( +4 )今天手机给我推送了一个新闻链接,挺有意思的。先跟大家分享一下原文: Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood gluco ..0 2019-04-26 368阅读
lynn小乐古诗词口译第三弹 许渊冲版著作权归作者猪鹏所有。来源,知乎 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。(白居易《长恨歌》) Turning her head,she smiled so sw ..2 2019-04-17 387阅读
lynn小乐唐诗名句节选 翻译(许渊冲版)第一弹著作权归作者所有。分享自知乎,猪鹏。 1.天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。(李白《将进酒》) Heaven has made us talents, w ..1 2019-04-17 418阅读
lynn小乐许渊冲版 英译《蜀道难》著作权归作者所有。分享自知乎,猪鹏。0 2019-04-17 373阅读
紫要喜欢接电话问「你是谁」,千万别说Who are you!打电话易错表达! "问对方是谁" 别说Who are you Who are you一般用在 1. 询问陌生人"你是谁" 2. 表达不满“你算老几哦” 但在接 ..4 2019-04-16 537阅读
紫要喜欢老外说You're a lemon可不是说“你是个柠檬精”!其实是在骂你!我们知道lemon是柠檬 那老外说You're a lemon是什么意思? 你是个柠檬?是个柠檬精?你柠檬了? 都不是! 实际意思真的很气人! ..2 2019-04-11 518阅读
紫色条纹鱼Sea Fever 海之恋 ( +3 )I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by ..0 2019-04-09 387阅读