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乐锦。『派 派 活 动 区』☜♡☞2024年11月签到&活动帖汇总-已更新☜♡☞25 2024-10-28 147460阅读
沈淮西。◇◆ 团队呈现 ◆◇ 派派公共签赠送 第十五期41 2024-07-26 3130阅读
高町奈叶。【派派实习版主招聘】暂停招聘44 2023-06-24 25773阅读
左。微希▎▋【English Corner】版主直通车——We listen to what you say ▌▎ ( +1 )98 2012-01-03 34294阅读
潇萧筱雪▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章申请帖 ▌▎(申请勋章请点击举报)102 2017-05-02 8398阅读
Sadistic_▎▋【English Corner】骑士勋章剩余积分兑换贴 ▌▎(兑换请点击举报)26 2016-09-06 4482阅读
睡着的饼干▎▋【English Corner】版规 ▌▎1 2010-10-30 24008阅读
yuelaura可以拉近关系的十句话0 2019-04-04 402阅读
lily945赞美是一种美德,英语中如何地道地表达你的赞美?1.Way to go!就该这么做!干得漂亮! 2.Good job!做的很棒! 3.Nice going!做得好! 4.Well done!干得漂亮! 5.You’re look ..1 2019-04-01 409阅读
lily945英语单词---食物篇1.French fries 薯条French指“法国的”,但薯条真正来源于比利时。第一次世界大战时,美国士兵在比利时吃到了薯条,觉得很好吃 ..1 2019-04-01 405阅读
lily945英语单词---鲜花篇11.rose 玫瑰英国国花,通常用来表达爱意(love)。 2.lily百合具有百年好合、家庭美满、伟大的爱之含意,有深深祝福的意义。 3.s ..2 2019-04-01 405阅读
肥兔子英语幽默故事A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. 一个女孩去拜 ..0 2019-03-28 358阅读
qlpkzmGood BoyGood Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave ..4 2019-03-28 391阅读
junyicg感动几亿人的一篇美文《有一天》 ( +5 )常常会有时光转瞬即逝的感觉,尤其是当看着自己的孩子熟睡的侧脸,仿佛上一秒他还在自己的怀里呢喃,下一刻却就要离家远航。而总 ..2 2019-03-25 464阅读
孤灯浅影一个冷笑话看到一个脑筋急转弯,感觉还挺冷幽默的,分享给大家: --What did scientists say when he found two helium atoms? 科学家看到 ..3 2019-03-23 384阅读
malon123英文欣赏 | 10首经典又好听的英文歌,对应着10个精彩的人生~这10首歌,对应了10个精彩的人生,一起听起来吧—— 1.《Better With You》Kris Allen 克里斯·艾伦来自美国阿肯色州的创作型歌 ..2 2019-03-22 422阅读
颜安蓝幽默笑话 ( +7 )I Hope So 我希望如此 Neighbor: Do you think your son will forget all he learned at college? Father: I hope so. He certai ..9 2018-07-18 831阅读
奔跑得蜗牛有趣的英语字谜游戏,你的智商够用么? ( +5 )有趣的英语字谜游戏,你的智商够用么? 猜英语字谜可以活跃我们的头脑、提高我们的记忆力,最重要的是可以帮我们转换英语思维! ..5 2017-02-07 989阅读
花落人未央三个英语脑筋急转弯Questions: 1. What is big and yellow and comes in the morning, to brighten mom's day? 2. Two fathers and their two son ..2 2017-01-15 787阅读
hey61388Drama Queen ( +3 )我来讲一个笑话吧。今天又一个姐们问英文重感情怎么说?然后我脑子里马上想到的答案是:Drama Queen!2 2016-11-02 810阅读
JessieAqua古代大虾的英文名容嬷嬷-Let me touch touch 张无忌-Whatever zhang 谢逊-Thankson 令狐冲-Make the fox rush 乔峰-Look crazy 无崖子-No teeth s ..3 2014-09-15 1899阅读
半世癫豆瓣音乐神翻译精选 ( +6 )The god translation selection...And who is the god...2 2014-08-11 2431阅读
wj宝宝巴西世界杯引发中国古诗预言热 ( +3 )1 2014-07-19 2186阅读
wj宝宝搞笑!盘点运动场上的超搞笑表情This is Russia's Evgeni Plushenko practicing for the men's figure skating competition at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. ..1 2014-07-19 3125阅读
小叶子,北爱生活:8件点亮心情的日常小事 ( +7 )Taking only a minute to enjoy something simple could be the difference between a so-so day, and an extraordinary one. In ..1 2013-10-10 2134阅读
Sissi。致拖延症患者的英文歌:《拖延症之歌》,你中熗了吗? ( +11 )你个熊呆子,明明答应你家主人,要给你家主人写评的啊。 当时,7月中旬的时候,你家主人说,你只要在7月底写出来就好了~ 你这 ..7 2013-08-02 3583阅读
sunney1Send New Year wishesThe new year I wish all of you havea happy new year, good luck in everything3 2013-02-09 2923阅读
sunney1唯美爱情do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high. 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。 don‘t cry b ..5 2013-02-06 2827阅读
水晶猫儿我学英语就是为了能够看懂很高深的英语笑话……There's nothing safe here To becontinue2 2012-12-09 3115阅读
沅牧生。﹛中国七夕爱情漂流瓶 漂洋过海到达英国 ﹜ ( +10 )A romantic message-in-a-bottle discovered by a mother and daughter at a Socttish beach has sparked a mystery about wheth ..3 2012-09-01 3222阅读
沅牧生。﹛ 世界十大盛产美男国家 意大利型男居榜首 ﹜ ( +8 )(意大利足球队) Discovering the charm of a new country is always a great pleasure but we must say that creating a list ..12 2012-09-01 3587阅读
好大一枝熊锁定 【英语角||周末乐园】English Game Zone--我学我玩儿我赚赚 第21期 最高奖励 80PB ( +50 )★★ 我学我玩儿我赚赚赚★★ 各位派ER 欢迎来到ENGLISH CORNER 特意为大家打造的小型 ..30 2012-08-25 8671阅读
琳儿来也英语笑话带翻译A School-report 学校成绩单(中英文) The father was reading the school report which had just been handed to him by his ..0 2012-08-22 2963阅读
rebacagong世界知名品牌广告语谐谑版1. Good to the last drop. 不喝完谁敢说好? 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. Obey your t ..0 2012-08-13 2610阅读
糖_不苦。开心一笑 ( +6 )1.错献殷勤 Not Funny At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess ..1 2012-08-08 3444阅读
qq_1342429038Two Mini burgerOvertime dinner Manager:WorK hard,Lee.What do you want to have something? Lee:Thank you for the manager.Mini hamburger. ..0 2012-08-01 2240阅读
派派忠实会员英国人写绝交信:Dear John letter3 2012-07-26 2864阅读