今日: 35
- 主题:3436
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rebacagong【美剧】绝望的主妇经典独白欣赏 ( +3 )There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of ..1 2012-08-11 2722阅读
糖_不苦。你不可错过的十大名人传记电影 ( +10 )没有一个人的人生,能被客观地浓缩到一部120分钟甚至90分钟的电影里。传记电影的优劣高低,也体现在这里——编剧如何在人物漫长 ..5 2012-08-07 4224阅读
派派忠实会员看《冰河世纪》学英语,世界末日冻死你就在Sid和Manny相处中麻烦不断的时候,Diego和它的种群--剑齿虎(Saber)们盯上了人类的迁徙部队,虽然袭击成功了,但是人类的 ..5 2012-06-11 3588阅读
yaoniebai[转]Queer As Folk 经典对白&台词Beginning with the first sight... Brian sees Justin walking down the street. Justin leans against a lamppost. Brian con ..1 2012-06-06 5161阅读
yaoniebai《heroes》 《绝望主妇》 经典台词《heroes》 第一集: Where does it come from? 它从何而来 This quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simple ..4 2012-06-06 4180阅读
yaoniebai《GOSSIP GIRL》-经典台词(方便保存) ( +5 )1.首先来每集都有的.(开头) Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the sc ..0 2012-06-06 3349阅读
消逝的渡渡鸟英语专业生必看电影下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看,比较地道的纯正听力+口语 ..3 2012-04-17 4869阅读
Sissi。《泰坦尼克号》3D版即将上映 盘点片中10大经典台词 ( +8 )2 2012-04-04 5014阅读
左。微希【英文电影大盘点】十部值得女生一看的英文电影十部值得女生一看的英文电影 一年一度的3.8妇女节,或者用现在比较流行的说法是“女人节”,上个星期刚刚过去。其实不应该只是 ..37 2012-03-13 10444阅读
李。小诺BIRDSONG----电影鸟鸣影评 ( +75 )BIRDSONG 寒假在家里看的 突然想写影评 断断续续的 直到现在才终于算是终于把影评写好了。。 This afternoon I watched the 160 ..3 2012-02-21 8888阅读
忠贞的小柿子经典欧美电影中的煽情台词 ( +5 )《这个杀手不太冷》 Mathilda:Leon, I think I'm kina falling in love with you. 玛蒂尔德:我想我爱上你了,莱昂。 (Leon ch ..7 2012-02-02 6698阅读
Vanilla_Qian[新福尔摩斯][神探夏洛克]Detective Sherlock ( +5 )《神探夏洛克》,英国迷你电视剧,出版公司:BBC。夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)是一个虚构的侦探人物,是由19世纪末的英 ..18 2012-01-11 12781阅读
风信子lynnThe Legend of 1900 ( +35 )The Legend of 1900 I have watched the movie "The legend of 1900" for many times and I just can't hold my tears back w ..4 2011-12-30 2931阅读
李诺诺穿条纹睡衣的男孩 --感觉蛮好看哒~ 嗯嗯 自己写的影评。。 ( +60 )The Boy in Striped Pyjamas Pyjamas, as we usually see sometime could mean something contrary. There is a spectacle deep ..3 2011-12-13 3391阅读
Elaine爱推荐美剧《吸血鬼日记》,就当是欣赏帅哥美女啦,主角都超sexy ( +15 )楼有剧照4楼有好听的插曲 17楼有下载链接 第一季 2009.9.9播出第一集。 17岁的Elena Gilbert和她15岁的弟弟Jere ..22 2011-08-27 7863阅读
h.z.q英语经典台词 (精选)你绝不能错过 ( +5 )英语电影电视中精彩的经典台词,你绝不能错过!让你的生活增添优雅与情趣! 1Every man should marry, after all, happiness i ..10 2011-07-22 6098阅读
Yvonneisme<Flipped>,a movie about puppy love在一本英语杂志上看到关于这部电影内容讲解的文章,然后跑去看了,哭了两次,麻木很久了,原来有些东西不是丢了,而是被深深 ..3 2011-05-19 2167阅读
347467879看电影学英语情话:十大浪漫英文表白11 2011-03-12 8186阅读
gjbyddKung Fu Panda——《功夫熊猫》精彩对白 ( +3 )鹅:We are noodle folk .Broth runs through over veins.(我们是面条命,血液里流淌着面汤。) 波:Dad , didn't you ever wan ..16 2011-02-10 6328阅读
^豆豆^Best English movies~ lol ( +10 )inception Inception is a 2010 American science fiction film written, produced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. The fi ..16 2010-09-28 4897阅读
anneta511Which kinda movie do you like best?? ( +5 )hello,everyone! the new movie season is coming soon,which kinda movie do you like best? I like lots of different types ..22 2010-09-09 5889阅读
cooleunicefind stillness to cure the illness ( +10 )It’s a busy day, and you’re inundated by non-stop emails, text messages, phone calls, instant message requests, notifi ..1 2010-09-03 1700阅读
什麽都可以遺忘小熊维尼的人生哲学 ( +15 )3 2010-08-25 4030阅读
灵月音《老友记》经典台词赏析 ( +5 )2 2010-08-21 2399阅读
52670573适合中学生的英语短剧 《武林外传》 ( +10 )老邢:the male and female robbers quite like going up to the roof,their kongfu are fearfulness very much!! I think the ..7 2010-07-12 5535阅读
52670573荆轲刺秦外传[ post](Introduction)旁白: Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, t ..2 2010-07-12 2080阅读
越前潜水《不差钱》英文版剧本 ( +15 )闲着无事在度娘那逛出来的 希望有人喜欢。 Got the Money Anyway (A Comic Piece for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 2009) Pla ..8 2010-06-01 3412阅读
石闪《Just my luck》 Lindsay Morgan Lohan's movie~very interesting!this movie is very interesting and there are many beautiful songs in it,it is worthy watching many times.now the followi ..5 2010-05-22 2820阅读
石闪一部感人至深的电影《弱点》 获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖http://www.a67.com/sousuo/xiazai.html?query1=%u5F33 本片根据美国国家橄榄球联盟当红球员迈克尔·奥赫真人真事改编 影片 ..5 2010-05-14 3440阅读
mengxn874穿帮镜头难逃群众慧眼 ( +10 )《加勒比海盗》系列电影主演约翰尼德普 Johnny Depp's fingernails are dirty when he gets drunk on rum and passes out in ..1 2010-04-22 1965阅读