今日: 2
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沐君芊《哈克贝里·芬历险记 》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)中英对照(完) ( +45 )《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)是马克·吐温一部重要的作品,故事的主人公是在《汤姆·索亚历险记 ..43 2013-11-17 4000阅读
沐君芊《宝岛》(Treasure Island)中英对照(完) ( +35 )故事中的主人翁吉姆(Jim Hawkins)10岁时,他们家在黑山海湾旁经营一家「海军上将本保」(Admiral Benbow)的旅馆。有一天碰到 ..34 2013-11-16 3335阅读
慕若涵《The Wind in the Willows》——柳林风声 (中英文对照)完结 ( +16 )The Wind in the Willows is a classic of children's literature by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately s ..13 2013-11-13 6009阅读
慕若涵《Dombey and Son》——董贝父子(中英文对照)完结 ( +60 )Dombey and Son is a novel by the Victorian author Charles Dickens. It was first published in monthly parts between Octob ..62 2013-11-02 7954阅读
慕若涵《The Analects》——论语(中英文对照)完结 ( +21 )The Analects express a philosophy, or a moral code, by which Confucius, one of the most humane thinkers of all time, bel ..21 2013-11-02 4527阅读
慕若涵《Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows》——哈利波特与死亡圣器(中英文对照)完结 ( +40 )Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and final of the Harry Potter novels written by British author J. K. ..40 2013-11-02 8217阅读
慕若涵《Sister Carrie》——嘉莉妹妹(中英文对照)完结 ( +45 )Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she start ..50 2013-10-31 11792阅读
沐君芊《八十天环游世界》-Around The Word In 80 Days(中英文对照)完 ( +30 )《八十天环游地球》是法国科幻小说家凡尔纳的最受读者欢迎的作品之一。主人公福特与朋友打赌,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。 ..41 2013-10-27 5296阅读
子规月落《廊桥遗梦》——The Bridges of Madison County(中英文对照)完结 ( +18 )The Bridges of Madison County is a 1992 best-selling novel by Robert James Waller which tells the story of a married but ..21 2013-10-27 5247阅读
子规月落《失窃的孩子》——The Stolen Child(中英文对照)完结 ( +40 )For Dorothy and Thomas, wish you were here "We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory." "NOSTOS" BY LO ..36 2013-10-27 7950阅读
子规月落《北回归线》——Tropic Of Cancer(中英文对照)完结 ( +50 )Tropic of Cancer is a novel by Henry Miller, first published in 1934 by the Obelisk Press in Paris, France. Its publicat ..53 2013-10-27 6936阅读
narcis《诺桑觉寺-Northanger Abbey》中英文对照 完结 ( +40 )33 2013-10-27 5164阅读
narcis《曼斯菲尔德庄园-Mansfield Park》中英文对照 完结 ( +60 )Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德庄园 Jane Austen 简·奥斯汀 内容推荐 本书19世纪最有影响的小说之一,由英国著名作家简· ..49 2013-10-26 7073阅读
子规月落《伍尔曼约翰自传》——The Journal of John Woolman(中英文对照)完结 ( +10 )JOHN WOOLMAN was born at Northampton, N. J., in 1720, and died at York,England, in 1772. He Was the child of Quaker par ..10 2013-10-26 3451阅读
子规月落《英雄艾文荷》——Ivanhoe(中英文对照)完结 ( +48 )Introduction To Ivanhoe The Author of the Waverley Novels had hitherto proceeded in an unabated course of popularity, an ..45 2013-10-26 11446阅读
゛臉紅紅....《纳尼亚传奇:最后一战》—— The Last Battle 中英对照版【完结】 ( +15 )。|。|。The Last Battle。|。|。 纳尼亚传奇:最后一战 20世纪30年代,牛津大学附近一家不起眼的小酒馆里,常有两位老教授聚会 ..16 2013-10-26 3344阅读
narcis《理智与情感-Sense and Sensibility》中英文对照 余一章QAQ ( +55 )51 2013-10-26 4137阅读
narcis《劝导——Persuasion》中英文对照 完结 ( +26 )Persuasion 劝导 Jane Austen 简·奥斯汀 内容推荐 本书描写了一个曲折多磨的爱情故事。贵族小姐安妮·埃利奥特同青年 ..26 2013-10-26 5296阅读
゛臉紅紅....《恋爱中的女人》—— Women in Love 中英对照版【完结】 ( +30 )。|。|。Women in Love。|。|。 恋爱中的女人 《恋爱中的女人》,是D.H .劳伦斯最伟大、最有代表性、最脍炙人口的两部长篇小说 ..33 2013-10-26 7184阅读
独爱穿越《第二十二条军规》——Catch-22(中英文对照)完结 ( +40 )42 2013-10-25 8765阅读
子规月落《丧钟为谁而鸣》——For Whom the Bell TollS(中英文对照)完结 ( +38 )This novel traces three days in the life of Robert Jordan, an American Spanish professor who has volunteered to fight fo ..46 2013-10-25 6351阅读
夏露。《象人》----The Elephant Man (完) ( +7 )8 2013-10-25 1308阅读
若流年°〡逝《汤姆·索亚历险记》——The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(中英文对照)完结 ( +30 )“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is about the unusual life of a young boy living in a Mississippi River town during a su ..35 2013-10-25 6858阅读
喻然末年永别了,武器——A Farewell to Arms中英对照 完结 ( +33 )40 2013-10-25 3821阅读
喻然末年《乞力马扎罗的雪》——The Snows of Kilimanjaro中英对照 ( +7 )《乞力马扎罗的雪》是海明威的一部短篇小说,是对于一个临死前的人的精彩描述。故事主要讲述一个作家哈里去非洲狩猎,途中汽车抛锚 ..6 2013-10-25 2674阅读
子规月落《杀死一只知更鸟》——To Kill a Mockingbird(中英文的对照)完结 ( +30 )"To kill a Mockingbird" belongs to those who are older movies, movies have a sense of reality makes it difficult to imag ..41 2013-10-25 18443阅读
子规月落《哈尔的移动城堡》——Howl’s Moving Castle(中英文对照)完结 ( +23 )Howl's Moving Castle is a young adult fantasy novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, first published in 1986. It won ..21 2013-10-25 3679阅读
若流年°〡逝《巴黎圣母院》——《Notre Dame cathedral》(中英文对照)未完 ( +47 )50 2013-10-25 11661阅读
若流年°〡逝《The Sun Also Rises》——《太阳照常升起》(中英文对照)完结 ( +22 )《The Sun Also Rises》is the first major novel by Ernest Hemingway. Published in 1926, the plot centers on a group of ex ..23 2013-10-25 7432阅读
喻然末年《苏菲的世界》——Sophie's World中英对照 完结 ( +40 )本书以小说的形式,通过一名哲学导师向一个叫苏菲的女孩传授哲学知识的经过,揭示了西方哲学发展的历程。由前苏格拉底时代到 ..37 2013-10-25 9657阅读