今日: 24
- 主题:3436
- 排名:30
zoe21g人物描述 ( +5 )Describing character – what’s she/he like? Positive: generous, careful, hard-working, cheerful, broadminded, active, i ..0 2010-05-16 1550阅读
ifeelit用英文发放“好人卡”。 ( +10 )戀愛婚姻總要兩廂情願。如果有人對你一往情深地告白,你卻不感冒,該怎麼拒絕才能把傷害減到最低呢?下面的句子可以給你幫點忙。 ..2 2010-05-10 2102阅读
lanlixiao想学好英语的人进-----英语介词用法口诀 ( +15 )英语介词用法口诀 早、午、晚要用in,at黎明、午夜、点与分。 年、月、年月、季节、周,阳光、灯、影、 ..29 2010-05-04 5179阅读
yidadecha3翻译平台TOP101. 译言网 www.yeeyan.com 人气最高的协作翻译平台,你可以在上面阅读翻译好的文章,有译文和原文对照便于学习,你也可以参 ..5 2010-05-04 1842阅读
格子围习语 ( +10 )不管张三李四。 Every Tom, Dick and Harry 一波未平一波又起。 Out of the frying pan into the fire 舍名求实。 I live to ..0 2010-05-04 1243阅读
ifeelit考研英语写作亮点之谚语﹗TAKE IT AS A REFERENCE. ( +15 )A "proverb" is a short, traditional saying in general use. It usually expresses some obvious truth or familiar experienc ..2 2010-05-02 6045阅读
ifeelit英语中一语双关的幽默句子 ( +10 )英语中有好多一语双关的幽默句子,现在为大家摘录一些常用幽默迷你句型,以供参考,据说是流传甚广的加菲猫语录哦。 1. Money ..28 2010-05-02 4581阅读
落叶_tearsSome Vocabulary to improve your English ( +20 )During essay writing, try to practise and write more difficult words that will impress the markers. Hope that this will ..1 2010-05-02 2421阅读
mengxn874翻译辨误:“记不住人家的脸”是什么意思? ( +15 )6 2010-04-27 1949阅读
wanghuich怎样翻译“因特悖论”?因特悖论:Paradox of Intel 【释义】:决策人沿着一条有道理的、无懈可击的博弈分配结果的道路走下去,但是最后发现是一条有障 ..1 2010-04-26 1927阅读
mengxn874双语支招:九句话让拒绝表白不再尴尬 ( +15 )如何拒绝表白 俗话说强扭的瓜儿不甜,强求的爱也不会香。每个人多少都有告白或者被人告白的经历,被人拒绝当然是一件痛苦的事 ..1 2010-04-25 1470阅读
ssdffgg中国成语英语翻译精选 ( +10 )中国成语英语翻译精选 繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous 爱不释手fondle admiringly 爱财如命skin a flea for its hide 爱屋 ..1 2010-04-23 1475阅读
julyday中国译协中译英最新发布,各类专业术语直译 ( +10 )1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己去查字典了解了解两词的区别 ..2 2010-04-22 2251阅读
纳米熊熊让人感动的英文句子 ( +10 )I’ve learned… That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 我明白了…世界上最好的教室就 ..9 2010-04-22 3378阅读
animal913新视野英语 ( +5 )Uint5 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script W: Why do some people stay in one job for life while others switch jobs fr ..4 2010-04-22 2695阅读
shiseikoePoetry Anthology ( +8 )For my English class last year, our teacher asked us to write different kinds of poems. I thought I can share some.. ^__ ..0 2010-04-14 1653阅读
ifeelit英文句子的3种语气( Extract from Ming Pao)【明报专讯】 特首上月发表施政报告时,看见议员举起 Bow Tie Keep Your Election Promise的纸牌,当场指 keep 应改为 keeps ..0 2010-04-12 2462阅读
marianren【专四考前指导】专四在即~~语法复习主谓一致 ( +20 )语法复习主谓一致 在英语句子里,谓语受主语支配,其动词必须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就叫主谓一致。寻其规律,大致可归纳为 ..1 2010-04-11 2401阅读
mengxn874口译中最常见的单词或词组的缩写 ( +15 )一、 缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对 ..11 2010-04-08 2870阅读
园长509容易理解错的英文词组 ( +10 )17 2010-04-08 4081阅读
Ms.Cherry新东方解析陈冠希道歉信,很强大的说。 ( +20 )前言:真的没想到陈冠希会用全英文做道歉陈述,虽然知道他是CBC(Canadian Born Chinese),但英文水平还是让我佩服。他500多字的道 ..53 2010-04-08 8461阅读
承认2最新推荐:考研英语长难句结构分析最新经典一百句 ( +5 )1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which c ..7 2010-04-05 21182阅读
ifeelitCOMMON USAGE ERRORS ( +20 )COMMON USAGE ERRORS (Extracts from Word Smart II) ** I find the blue ones the more common errors in academic writing. ..2 2010-04-05 2087阅读
园长509Words and Their Stories: ( +10 )Today we explain proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs a ..2 2010-04-04 2455阅读
展雯【4.5】My Note of Writting1 2010-04-02 2240阅读
格子围美丽的句子 漂亮的翻译 ( +10 )我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. ..18 2010-04-01 10697阅读
yidadecha3英文标点符号怎么念 ( +15 )有时候自己看到些标点不会念,今天看到这个贴子觉得蛮有用的就转过来了呵呵 希望会有所帮助 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减 ..2 2010-04-01 2393阅读
Ceci1118时事政经及流行词汇 ( +6 )0 2010-03-30 2216阅读
regret1024中国特色词汇翻译 ( +5 )4 2010-03-29 2785阅读
蔚蓝幽雪英美政府首长名称汉译 ( +6 )0 2010-03-26 2060阅读