今日: 3
- 主题:3436
- 排名:30
rebacagong泰戈尔的经典句子 ( +8 )1. 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves。 2 ..0 2012-08-09 2280阅读
rebacagong英语小故事 ( +5 )1、The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. ..1 2012-08-09 2784阅读
糖_不苦。你不得不知的英语新闻常用语 ( +4 )你希望时刻掌握所有的时事新闻吗?为什么不看英语新闻呢?想要理解新闻报道的内容,看看以下有用的新闻行话指导吧! Breaking ..1 2012-08-09 2426阅读
糖_不苦。简历上的“爱好”是蜜糖还是砒 霜? ( +5 )“Travel. Cooking. Reading.” “旅游。烹饪。阅读。” If the “interests” section of your résumé reads something lik ..0 2012-08-09 2531阅读
糖_不苦。李阳:学好英语的十大建议 ( +5 )1 2012-08-09 2309阅读
琳儿来也常用英语单词分类记忆 ( +15 )学科 mathematics / / 数学 arts / / 文科 science / / 理科 history / / 历史 geometry / / 几何 geography // 地理 geology / ..1 2012-08-10 4876阅读
琳儿来也经典英文短语It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the cour ..0 2012-08-10 2221阅读
琳儿来也深信不疑的十大哲理0 2012-08-10 2013阅读
展雯A Goodbye Kiss-爸爸的道别之吻 ( +5 )The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob starred to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. ..0 2012-08-10 1781阅读
- 半世流离°一只猫的生命哲学 ( +5 )原来很大的道理不一定需要很难的语言去解释,本文简单地一问一答告诉我们,当身边的人离去时,他们其实活在我们的心里;告诉我们 ..1 2012-08-10 2284阅读
- 半世流离°恭维是艺术还是欺骗 ( +5 )How do you persuade someone to do something they might not feel so keen about? 你怎么说服别人做一些他们可能兴趣不大 ..0 2012-08-10 1707阅读
- 半世流离°文艺范青年必备六大电影 ( +1 )作为21世纪的文艺青年,以下这些电影怎能不看。下面为大家盘点六大欧美文学电影,让你度过一个充满浓浓文艺气息的周末。 莎 ..0 2012-08-10 1407阅读
好大一枝熊锁定 【英语角||周末乐园】English Game Zone--我学我玩儿我赚赚 第19期 最高奖励 60PB ( +890 )★★ 我学我玩儿我赚赚赚★★ 各位派ER 欢迎来到ENGLISH CORNER 特意为大家打造的小型 ..28 2012-08-10 13903阅读
琳儿来也最基本旅行英语 ( +10 )出入境 姓 family name 名 First (Given) Name 性别 sex 男 male 女 female 国籍 nationality (count ..9 2012-08-11 4585阅读
rebacagong微英语——人生格言 ( +8 )1、Maybe the best response to the facts of death is just put it out of your mind. 也许对死亡的事实的最好的回应,是不去想 ..0 2012-08-11 2202阅读
rebacagong【美剧】绝望的主妇经典独白欣赏 ( +3 )There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of ..1 2012-08-11 2697阅读
雪谦读书笔记之《暮光之城》 ( +32 )读书笔记之《暮光之城》 读书笔记之《暮光之城》 My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled ..7 2012-08-11 4168阅读
siyimu123日常练习 每天成功一点点 ( +3 )0 2012-08-11 1154阅读
糖_不苦。白骨精Office口语笔记 ( +5 )此楼门板目录 楼层 白骨精Office口语笔记1:新人报到第一天 沙发 白骨精Office口语笔记2:电话响了怎么办板凳 白骨精Office口语 ..9 2012-08-11 3533阅读
糖_不苦。心情不好怎么办:糟糕心情High起来的小秘密 ( +5 )Although I'm all for indulging in activities to boost your mood, retail therapy is definitely a pricey way to do it. And ..1 2012-08-12 2508阅读
岚君。【英语角||爱上记单词】每周七单词,快乐大放送——第46周(8.13-8.19)本期新玩法继续 ( +100 )大家一起快乐记单词 【活动内容】 英语角每周放出七个单词,并配上妙趣横生的图片。 帮助大家在会心一笑的同时,记住这些英文 ..115 2012-08-12 6811阅读
糖_不苦。《冰河世纪4》 新角色全新阅读 ( +3 )2 2012-08-12 3379阅读
- 半世流离°57岁老汉三轮横穿世界 抵达伦敦 ( +5 )When London's mayor accepted the Olympic flag in 2008 a Chinese farmer who was looking on inside the stadium says he was ..0 2012-08-12 2485阅读
- 半世流离°英政 府公开机密文件:外星人来地球度假5 2012-08-12 2196阅读
- 半世流离°求职者警惕!正在下滑的十大就业领域What to Do If Your Industry Is on the Way Out 如果你所在的行业过时了怎么办 People in almost every profession m ..0 2012-08-12 1173阅读
沅牧生。▎ 《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录 。 ( +5 )《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录:我个性向来坚持不懈 1.Penny has a lot of money tied up in promiscuity futures. 佩妮的钱基 ..2 2012-08-12 5069阅读
沅牧生。▎ 看电影,各种新片速递。 ( +10 )《绿茵场》首曝预告 高龄女星群宠过气球星(新片速递) 绿茵场 Playing the Field (2012) 导演: 加布里尔·穆奇诺 编剧: ..1 2012-08-12 3999阅读
琳儿来也交际礼节套语词汇(汉英对照) ( +5 )久仰 I've heard so much about you. 好久不见了 Long time no see. 辛苦了 You've had a long day.You've had a long flight. ..0 2012-08-12 3023阅读
琳儿来也常用法律英语词汇 ( +8 )0 2012-08-12 3228阅读
琳儿来也英语作文中常用句套 ( +9 )作文中常用句套: 下文中出现的 A,B, “...”(某事物), "sb"( somebody), 要在写作中要根据上下文进行适当替换. 开头: When it ..0 2012-08-12 3591阅读